President Obama was not immune to newest Quinnipiac Poll, which showed Democratic candidates struggling.
The President went from a 51% to 47% split last month, to a 45% to 53% split this month.
As a result, these results are the best indicator yet that Quinnipiac’s numbers are either an outlier or the first sign that the Dems are undergoing some major problems.
The following demographics gave Pres. Obama a positive score: Democrats (83/17), non-whites (73/27) and 18 to 34 year-olds (62/36).
This survey was conducted by Quinnipiac University using live interviewers calling land lines and cell phones from June 30th to July 11th. They contacted 982 registered voters in Pennsylvania. The margin of error is +/- 3.1%.
14 Responses
Are you also Puerto Rican? Because you sound like a redneck hill-billy.
Obama’s legacy is set. One of best POTUSs in modern times.
Sorry,BillyBob. Now go kiss your sister!
Hate to tell you Pat – but the only “ignorant racists” on this board are those who blindly support “Troll1” – Americas must vulger racist- Obama! It’s not his race but his vulgarity, cowardice and incompetence that make him so disgusting- you watch too much msnbc– try Fox– Hannity will grow on you honest?
The funny thing is – my husband is a Puerto Rican. Yep – a latent homosexual Puerto Rican. He used to post under his real name – Martinez.
In PA Dems have a huge registration edge, but only 35% of the respondents were Democrats and 25% were Independents. 80% of the respondents were white.
Disregard this poll.
Yes- “these results are the best indicator yet that Quinnipiac’s numbers are an outlier”
Don’t waste your time, Susan. The person you are talking to is a pathetic, limp-dicked FOXtard. You call him out as “bungy,” he posts as “Ppster.” He literally sitss at a computer and posts ignorant and/or racist and/or stupid right wing propaganda all day long. He is the definition of “troll.”
Innocent people in Syria and France die because we have a gutless racist Obama- he is no better than the Klan- all lives matter – police have died because of racists in the group called black lives matter- like the Kkk black racists should be condemned by us all- no more PC intimidation by the moral degenerates in the extreme left!
Don’t be an asshole, bungy. People are suffering.
Another Islamic Terrorist attack in France. These weak Democrats are gonna get us all KILLED. Sexy Donny for President.
Wish we could have another four (or 8!!) years of President Obama!!!
More incompetent than Carter- more corrupt than Nixon. Arrogance is no substitute for accomplishment. He has divided both our Nation and undercut our allies abroad. History will show what a “loser” this guy has been