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Reader Poll: Do You Favor Legalizing Marijuana in PA?

marijuana_leafShould pot be legal?

According to the latest Quinnipiac Poll, 57% of Pennsylvanians believe that it should be. That represents a jump of ten points over the last six months.

Additionally, Governor Wolf signed medical marijuana into law last month.

At the moment, 24 states allow medical marijuana while four states and the District of Columbia have made the substance legal.

We want to know what you think.

Do You Favor Legalizing Marijuana in PA?

  • Yes (83%)
  • No (17%)

Total Voters: 1,003

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57 Responses

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  2. Then claim you have some sort of “ailment” and get a “doctor” to give you a prescription for cannabis. You are so stoned man that it has affected you decision making ability. Another negative side effect of the drug.

  3. If our government is so corrupt, why would you trust it to regulate and tax the marijuana industry? How much will the Mexican drug lords be paid off? Why can’t we study the drug and use it for medical purposes (which obviously some people can’t live without) and NOT have to legalize it like alcohol and tobacco? Can someone please explain this to me?

  4. In 2017 Canada is going to legalize marijuana, so that leaves Mexico as an option but they are about to also legalize it completely too. Most countries are sick and tired of being bullied by Uncle Sam to criminalize marijuana. The USA puts non violent pot smokers in jail while letting pedophiles ad criminals walk free.
    Somehow the Republican party in this country think that if it pays to jail people in for profit prisons then keeping a rather harmless substance illegal makes good business sense since all studies done up until last year were to show harmful affects while the government holds a US patent on marijuana citing medical benefit and efficacy; yet it remains Schedule I? Who’s who here? Taxpayer funded studies show it helps with chronic pain while an opiate pill and heroin epidemic of late has billions thrown at it. Whose minding that store? I thought our government searched tirelessly for drugs but someone is letting it in? I guess weed is stinkier and bulkier than heroin so bust them and let the dangerous drug roll in?…I guess after spending Trillions on pot prohibition for nearly 90 years the government can’t find the guts to say “We Lied”!?
    If you notice it’s the Republican party who is holding up medical and veterans access. The Democrats actually booed them when the Defense budget was passed. Even with bi-partisan support enough Republicans vote no to deny even those of us who served help with pain and PTSD. Instead we’re fed handfuls of pills costing Billions that make us sick and they keep lying about the medical benefit and patent they own on the plant. God is apparently on FBI wanted posters for giving us the plant.

  5. Nothing matters to potheads…as long as you have some weed, you’re happy. That’s one of the negative side effects.

  6. As a Registered nurse, I strongly oppose legalization of this drug which only leads to further drug usage . This has been an established fact. I feel compelled to also state, to those who say we are a democracy and majority rules, where have you gone to school? We are a Republic. I suggest you read why the Founding Fathers did not desire a democracy. Thank God majority does not rule in the United States. We would not be the great nation we have become. Guess this would not make a difference to dope heads, would it!!

  7. In the U.S. we have a democracy where the majority rules. According to polls Most want marijuana Legalized, not just in PA but across the USA. It seems the anti-marijuana folks are some of the most uneducated and ignorant people I have ever encountered and not coincidentally are Republicans. It is not a substance you become addicted to and no one in history has ever overdosed. Keep beating your gums. It’s going to be legalized within 10 years no matter how much cash the Republican party throws at trying to prevent it. At this point people would elect a ham sandwich for president if it promised to legalize pot. You can always move to Canada or mexico if the thought violates your conscience.

  8. Montco, you are making light of a very serious issue. Your comments about not bogarting and sharing with kids, as well as getting someone who understands the enormous problems marijuana causes some edibles so the won’t care as much, shows your ignorance. I have to admire UR’s dedication to helping the innocent children, although I disagree that pot is a gateway to harder drugs. Most pot users never “graduate” to or are inclined to try heroin or meth. We can all agree or disagree about certain points on this issue: Is it as bad as alcohol? Probably not. But does that make it good? People are going to use the drug regardless of what we do, so should we pedal and tax it? Couldn’t the same argument be made to legalize prostitution? Your conscious wouldn’t allow you participate in it, but don’t you think people should have the freedom to do as THEY see fit? No! Sometimes the governments role is to protect us from ourselves. Everyone discussing this issue in this forum need to keep an open mind and look at all the sides of a very complex question. Just sayin’…

  9. Someone has to take up the fight for poor communities and the next generation. Children are innocent; they don’t deserve this obstacle too.

  10. UR – You sound very uptight about this issue. Somebody get this guy some edibles.

  11. Adults have the right to self medicate anyone arguing against that doesn’t believe in freedom. Yes be responsible for your actions, no crime is committed by respecting that natural right. The legislators want to “study” industrial hemp, pass SB-3 which is very restrictive, meanwhile people still suffer. My campaign as a Libertarian Candidate for the 16 th Congressional district is to be a voice of reason and I want honest adults to have the absolute right to self cultivate to eliminate the typical “State store mentality” that the commonwealth has with many adult choices. Politics = control and frankly it’s time to change this attitude. Your support will bring out the best in law abiding Citizens. Cannabis is one of the oldest, most useful, natural plants, renewable and safe. There is empirical evidence, unfortunately ignorance, racism and misinformation has corrupted generations since the Federal Marijuana tax act & impeached Richard Nixons drug war. He should have listened to our PA Gov Shaffer in 1972.

  12. Cannabis is not a gateway drug. People that are going to use heroin or cocaine were going to use harder drugs regardless of their previous use of cannabis. In fact, there’s an argument to be made that if cannabis was legal, those people would not be utilizing a black market with access to harder drugs but instead a regulated industry. Correlation does not mean causation.

    Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but not their own facts. No one has ever died from an overdose of marijuana. The same cannot be said for alcohol, which we regulate, tax, and sell. Let alone the thousands that die each year from health problems associated with chronic alcohol abuse. And for god’s sake, we sell cigarettes at every corner store and gas station. How many damn people die each year from the hundreds of diseases and conditions they cause?

  13. I get that this is a liberty issue. But, anyone who cannot admit that a legalization policy and their selfish desire to get high will hurt children and destroy lives is not honest enough to be followed.

  14. Has it occurred to you that our policy on whether or not to incarcerate adults for a consensual activity should not hinge on the message it sends to your children?

  15. If medical marijuana has such clear and demonstrable benefits, then why doesn’t it go through the FDA’s clinical testing and approval process? Under federal law, marijuana is still a Schedule 1 controlled substance, defined as “drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.” The FDA continues to state “The FDA has not approved marijuana as a safe and effective drug for any indication.”

  16. Sheena, you’re confusing medical Mary Jane (which, PA just passed a law to allow–in a thoughtful, responsible manner, IMO) with irresponsible legalization for recreational use. Your husband no longer has to put your children at risk to manage his symptoms, please stop!

  17. Yes, I believe we should study the medicinal benefits of marijuana, which as the current laws are written, we can’t. But do we have to make the substance LEGAL in order to do so? I agree with Walter S. that the law is in place for corrupt and immoral reasons. But do 2 wrongs make a right. Slavery was based on lies, fear, hatred, greed and racial animosity, also. So is it right to allow millions of people to become “enslaved” to a drug just because it was made illegal by abominable means? I say study the crap out of the stuff as it DOES seem to have positive benefits. (Hemp oil seems to be especially promising) I’m not trying to demonize marijuana. But treat it like a drug. If we legalize it for RECREATIONAL purposes, we are saying to our young people that it’s just another way to have fun. Yes, let’s stop spending millions and billions on eradication and incarceration. Absolutely! Yes, let’s learn why it seems to have unbelievable healing powers. Now! But, I’m trying to tell you, people, full-blown legalization has more cost than you may realize, and we need to be very careful and think about what we’re doing here.


  19. We don’t protect people from alcohol, cigarettes, sushi, raw milk, driving cars, or other things that are dangerous and/or potentially fatal. There’s no reason for marijuana to be illegal, especially in light of more dangerous things that we don’t restrict.

    Will some people become addicts? The math says yes.

    However, prohibition didn’t work with alcohol and it’s not working with marijuana. Perhaps on focusing on the addicts and helping (not jailing) them is the answer.

    Portugal seems to have the right idea. They made all drugs legal (and made treatment, not punishment, their priority) and they’ve seen plummeting addiction rates.

    Regardless, I’m in favor of legalization. It will have the added benefit of allowing more studies on the medicinal uses which seem to be amazing.

  20. Forget the pros and cons of legalization; legalize it solely because its prohibition was based on lies, fear, hatred, greed, and racial animosity. Those who orchestrated the prohibition initially were largely greedy hateful scoundrels, and it was never worthy of the name of “law”.

  21. Interesting; the numbers on this poll are generally the same as those who believe Paterno covered up for Sandusky. Very telling.

  22. I’m sorry people, but pot is not better than cigarettes and alcohol. It’s more insidious by being more subtle. It seems so harmless…at first. Pretty little kitty. Then, before you know it you have a full blown lion on your hands. If you do some research, you’ll find that for some people, around 11%, it becomes a full blown addiction, that is VERY difficult to stop. You people who have no trouble quitting are in the lucky 89% that seem to have a much easier time in taking or leaving it. But do the math: If 11% of the people who use pot get addicted, it’s a huge problems. 80% of Americans will try marijuana. 80% of 340 million is 272 million. Times 11% is apprx. 30 MILLION people addicted to marijuana! Wake up people! We don’t need this insidious weed readily available to our young people. They are our future.

  23. I know from experience withdraw from marijana is nothing like cigarettes or alcohol. I never smoked cigarettes but know plenty who do. I smoked pot for years and stopped in 1990. I am a Christian now and would not start smoking it again. That said I was hooked on pain pills that’s the worst thing I ever went through. Ok my point is the war on marijana has not slowed the use down at all. It’s better the cigarettes and alcohol so why not get the tax money this state needs

  24. Montco, 2nd hand weed smoke isn’t like watching someone drink. The kids can’t abstain even if they wanted to. What will this do to families? Democrat families? Someone has to care about them.

  25. Pickledfinger states he doesn’t do drugs or drink, but he “knows it’s a lot healthier than alcohol”. That’s like saying that a knife is safer than a gun. True, but they both can kill you. Also, Adam must have been in a hurry to burn one as he didn’t read where I said it WASN’T the sole reason for my problems. I’m not a loser, and would never call someone else one, either. Sorry Ken W., but the withdrawal symptoms are far, far worse than caffeine or even cigarettes. We’re not talking about keeping medical marijuana from anyone who feel they need it. We’re talking about making it LEGAL.

  26. UR – It all depends, are they sharing with the kids or bogarting it for themselves.

  27. What should happen to kids who’s neighbors report that their parents smoke dope with them around in the house?

  28. I am a Christian and conservative. I also know cannabis is alot healthier than alcohol, tobacco and many of the over the counter and prescriptions that many of us take ever day. I also know prohibition didn’t work for alcohol and hasn’t worked for cannabis, and for the same reason. Cannabis has always been there, alcohol at least a thousand years. If their is demand, their will be a black market and thieves and crimals like Al Capone and Senior Escobar will get rich and build empires. Meanwhile those who enjoy a cold one or like to burn one will all the sudden are now criminals. Why? Because just like the Uber sensitive on our college campuses, a group of people believed them wrong, and because the were offended wanted it banned. But to do so you must alter and control people’s behaviour. I don’t drink or do drugs but I believe in personal choice and when The Holy Spirit impress on me that I must refrain from doing something, that is for me and doesn’t mean that applies to everyone else.

  29. Do the weedheads even recognize how shitty and full of fallacies their arguments are?

  30. Does legalizing marijuana send the wrong message to children and young adults? That’s the same thing opponents said about medical marijuana —it sends the wrong message. But what message does it send when you withhold healing medicine from desperately ill and dying people? Not the message you thought you were sending. Similarly, the message of Prohibition is cruel, uncompromising and unyielding. It is completely lacking in compassion and it is a message that is being rejected by young Americans.
    Nearly 70% of the Millennial Generation—those born between 1981 and 1996—support the legalization of marijuana. Generations of Americans have been lied to and frightened by our government’s demonization of marijuana (“Marijuana is unsafe for use even under medical supervision”).
    The fact is that most people who use marijuana use it responsibly. They should not be considered criminals for doing so.
    Marijuana has an addiction rate about equal to caffeine with similar withdrawal symptoms. Far more harm is done to our society by criminalizing marijuana use than is done by the drug itself. Marijuana, or cannabis, was included in the U.S. Pharmacopeia for about 100 years until it was outlawed in 1937. It was legal in the U.S. longer than it was illegal. It should be legal once again.

  31. If you blame weed for your problems than you have problems other than that. I have smoked for many years. I am a medicinal patient. To be honest I have a very hard time getting started without it due to my stomach issues. I am in college doing very well. Did very well even though I was smoking for the first half of it. Have been employed for the last two years full time. If it wasn’t weed that screwed up your life it would have been cheeseburgers and scratch off tickets that did it. Some people are just losers

  32. PA got it right with the medical bill. But, the analogy to prohibition is too easy. Unleashing a gateway drug WILL ruin lives of people who don’t choose it or aren’t capable of making a mature decision.

    Recently met a man who counseled youth because pot was his gateway. He’s a lot of regret, but turned his life around.

    If you smoke pot with kids around, why shouldn’t the state take them?

  33. Alcohol is a drug, and like all drugs, it CAN be addictive. So should we criminalize that, too? Seems we tried that in the 1920s and it didn’t go so well.

    Or is alcohol different because they serve it in country clubs and taverns?

    I’ve seen way more serious problems related to alcohol than I have with pot smoking. Can you abuse marijuana? Sure, just the same as you abuse almost any activity, including watching TV, using the internet, or running for office.

    We should legalize and tax the hell out of it and make marijuana a revenue enhancer instead of a drain on our police and legal system.

  34. The war on drugs has been a very costly disaster. The best way to deal with drugs of all sorts is to treat them as a public health issue, not a criminal justice issue. If for the last 35 years, we had invested in helping people rather than locking them up for decades at a time, we would be way ahead.

  35. Marijuana is a drug, and like all drugs, it CAN be addictive. Addiction=Slavery. I know from personal experience. In many people, long-term use leads to demotivation and ambivalence towards achieving goals that require effort and perseverance. It makes you feel good, but doesn’t require you to DO anything to get that good feeling of accomplishing something worthwhile. I do believe that we as a society spend way too much money on the prohibition of marijuana, and it should be somewhat decriminalized. However, legalization sends the wrong message. Many people and teenagers will be tempted to use the drug for the first time, and will feel fantastic, even euphoric. That’s what makes it appealing. Thinking it’s harmless, they will not realize marijuana’s negative consequences and harmful side effects. I started smoking pot when I was 16 and loved it. I didn’t know that 34 yrs. later I’d still be using it and had an extremely hard time quitting. I have a college degree, (that took me 6 years to get), but I’m now working at Costco making $13.50/hr. and I’m 53 years old. Marijuana isn’t the sole reason why I am where I am today, but it certainly didn’t do anything to help, either. You don’t need a drug to feel good about oneself. Since I’ve quit, in August of ’13, I have a lot more energy and am not tired all the time. I sleep better and actually have dreams, both literally and figuratively. Costco is a good company to work for with great benefits and I’ll eventually top out at over $23/hr.. Getting off weed has been the best thing I’ve ever done in my life. Just wished I’d never started.

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