With new ads from Governor Corbett, Rob McCord, Katie McGinty, and of course Tom Wolf, we appear to be fully in the swing of campaign ad season.
The barrage of spots unleashed by Wolf is considered the prime reason the first-time candidate emerged from the back of the pack in the Democratic primary to the become the undisputed front-runner.
At the same time, there has been speculation about Allyson Schwartz’s media strategy and whether waiting too long to get on the airwaves will hurt her campaign.
Given all the discussion about campaign ads, we feel it’s worth asking you the readers whether you even feel campaign ads actually work.
So, have campaign ads ever changed your own views about a candidate?
Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?
- No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
- Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)
Total Voters: 27

5 Responses
I hadn’t really thought about this until the recent airing of Corbett’s ads where his grammar mistake saying “less taxes” instead of “fewer taxes” is now making me so irritated every time I hear it. Should I not vote for someone because their ad wizards have poor grammar skills? Seems wrong but it is still a problem when the leader of our state can’t speak properly.
Anyone who votes No on this is fooling only themselves.
Mark Mustio’s ads in 2012 turned me from indifferent to solid Raja supporter.
The beauty of tv-ads is that they affect you subconsciously…bad question
Clearly nobody is going to admit to that.
Plus anyone reading politics PA already has skin in the game and already has a candidate long before ads air.
But look at Wolf- two months ago most people couldn’t pick him out of a line up now leading in the poles. So clearly they work on the “civilian” population.