We’ve asked a number of questions about Pennsylvania Society over the years.
Those queries include: whether PA Society should actually be moved to PA; is it right for candidates to fundraise at the event; should the gathering be cancelled during the budget stalemate and where should it be held while the Waldorf is being renovated.
Given all that, we want to better pinpoint just how you all feel about this event.
Do you want it to be permanently moved to PA, done away with altogether or do you have no problem at all with it?
How Do You Feel About PA Society?
- It Should Be Moved to Pennsylvania (35%)
- I Believe It Should Be Permanently Cancelled (24%)
- I Have No Problem With It (18%)
- I Fully Support It (17%)
- I’m Concerned About Cronyism (6%)
Total Voters: 803

7 Responses
rank and file: just have a party with your besties near your home , and save the $ to be sucking up to rendellians and groeners, as it will do you no good .
There is no PA leadership to celebrate. Most of it is awful.
I’m a member of the society for 20 plus years. An elected or appointed official that whole time and more. I absolutely hate going to PA Society. I loathe the crowds, the cost, that A-hole factor. It is exciting the first time. Thereafter, it just sucks. You already know everybody. Pointless, terrible, and a waste of a perfectly good weekend. I’m not going ever again.
As a former elected official who never attended it in the 16 years I was in office, I always thought it was some archaic event from days gone by. Did one really need to go to New York to network or be schmoozed? And for those of us that actually worked on their county budgets, this wasn’t a good time to leave.
If it were moved to PA, I am convinced that it would die within a very few years, because it would lose its uniqueness. Yes, it’s a bit odd for Pennsylvanians to travel to NY to celebrate the leadership of PA, and yes, there may be some implicit inferiority complex somewhere below the surface, but it can be justified as maintaining a legitimate tradition rooted in the era when the Pennsylvania Railroad was the most significant railroad in the nation, and HQ’d in NYC, and thus worth remembering.
How about “All of the Above”? These are not mutually exclusive positions.
Maybe people should stop worrying what other people do in their free time and making up conspiracy theories. Going to NYC to get drunk, attend parties, and socialize in a different atmosphere doesn’t lead to problems and it isn’t anyone’s business unless you are attending or are on the organizations decision making committees. Get a freaking hobby.