The momentum is certainly building.
When Ed Pawlowski was forced to drop out of the 2016 Senate race, it looked like the party would finally rally around Joe Sestak.
Instead, national leaders reached out to Katie McGinty and grassroots activists started advocating for her. Suddenly, she’s taking a plane to Martha’s Vineyard to visit the DSCC retreat.
Not surprisingly, given all of this, our readers believe McGinty will run for Senate. Yesterday’s news did move the needle, but a majority still thought she would enter the race beforehand.
Altogether, 580 readers think McGinty will join the 2016 contest.
389 respondents believe she’ll sit this one out.
The full results are included below:
Do You Think Katie McGinty Will Run for Senate in 2016?
- Yes (60%)
- No (40%)
Total Voters: 969

6 Responses
“The years from 1993 to 2000 were bleak ones for environmentalists, as Clinton and Gore retreated from one campaign pledge after another. ‘Katie seemed out of the loop most of the time she was there’, a seasoned environmental lobbyist told the authors at the time. ‘Or that’s how she made you feel. Katie’s great talent was to seduce you on the phone. She made you feel as if she was your best friend, a secret Earth First!er, who was shocked and pained when the inevitable betrayals came. Katie never delivered bad news herself, but she was always there to console us. She was very, very adroit at soothing irate enviros, calming them down so that they wouldn’t attack the administration.”
@Babara Blum — the problem is Sestak has experience in those areas, but what did he do in those areas?
Foreign Affairs: fought to give George Bush a blank check for Iraq, then led the fight against the Surge, which helped end the War.
Legislation: fought for warrantless wiretapping, and also went against the pro-worker Employee Free Choice Act by pushing an alternative through.
Economy for middle class and poor: voted and fought for the bailouts for big banks, but no bailout for the middle class.
If you want someone with experience in those areas, then George Bush has experience in those areas. We need someone not just with experience, but with the right positions. Katie is best example of that. She served in the White House under President Clinton as chair of his council on the environment. When the biggest threat in the modern era is climate change, isn’t Katie our girl?
To Democratic Socialist, glad you talked about her real environmental record. It gives me one more reason to object to the Testers, Shumers, Brady’s, and Rendells and the State party Dems to put her in office, when Sestak has a track record of voting for the people’s interests, instead of the ” bosses” demands.
It would be good to have someone who knows and cares about the environment in the Senate, but what’s that got to do with McGinty? She has very little credibility within the environmental movement since her main job seemed to be soothing angry environmentalists whenever the Clinton or Rendell administration did something bad. She makes her living in the fracking industry now and was once reprimanded by the state ethics board for funneling millions of dollars to her husband’s Pennsylvania Environmental Council, a greenwashing front group for the fracking industry.
The time to rally around a unifying candidate to defeat Pat Toomey and the Republican majority is NOW! That candidate is Katie McGinty!
Follow us on twitter @DraftMcGinty
Learn more about Katie:
Katie McGinty is a recognized leader in environmental protection, business investment, job growth, and energy innovation. With more than twenty-five years of experience in public service and the private sector, Katie knows how to solve big problems at the highest levels, and she knows how to fight for working families. In Katie, Democrats throughout Pennsylvania have an energetic and compassionate voice to fight for middle class families.
Katie was born in northeast Philadelphia the ninth of ten kids to a police officer and a hostess. After attending college and law school on scholarships, she worked her way up within the Clinton Administration, eventually serving as a trusted advisor to President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore as the first woman to chair the White House Council on Environmental Quality. Later, she served our state and Governor Ed Rendell as the first female Secretary of the Department of Environmental Protection. Since 2008, Katie has been working in the private sector helping to drive sustainable business development.
Katie, her husband Karl, and their three daughters live in Wayne, Chester County.
It would be good to have someone in the Senate who knows and cares about the environment. But I prefer a Senator who has experience in Foreign affairs, who has a background in legislative procedures, who has a record on the economy as it relates to the middle class and the poor. I think that if she had served in a legislative body like the State House or U.S. Congress she would be better prepared to serve in the Senate. I am concerned that she would owe her allegiance to party politicians who put her in office rather than the people she represents.