Ryan Costello won our latest reader poll, which asked who Republicans should nominate in PA’s 6th district. It’s a good thing he did too because he is the only listed candidate who is actually running.
After Jim Gerlach shocked the political world by announcing his retirement, the field was left wide open in PA-6 leading many Republicans to consider a run to replace the Congressman.
So, last week we decided to ask you which of the candidates that had expressed an interest in the race should the GOP nominate.
Since then, only one prospective candidate, Chairman of the Chester County Board of Commissioners Ryan Costello, chose to toss his hat into the ring. Perhaps as a result, Costello narrowly won the poll with 73 votes.
Other prominent local officials, however, decided to pass on the race including State Senator John Rafferty (R-Berks) and former U.S. Senate candidate Sam Rohrer. Each collected 69 and 63 votes respectively, though, in the poll.
Meanwhile, Patrick Collins a local business executive, ultimately decided to take a pass on attempting a first-time political race. With low name recognition, Collins was only able to receive the support of 25 respondents.
Finally, 19 readers selected “other”. Now that Costello appears to be the only major GOP candidate in the race, it will be intriguing to see if he can rally the rest of the party behind him.
The full results are included below:
Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?
- No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
- Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)
Total Voters: 27