Reader Poll: Sestak Will Knock Off Toomey in 2016

PoliticsPA asked how good former Congressman and Senate Candidate Joe Sestak’s odds were at knocking off incumbent Senator Pat Toomey. Those odds are pretty good.

51 percent of readers (332 votes)  feel that if Sestak wins the primary, he would knock off Sestak-Toomey (1)Toomey in a potential rematch of 2010. 49 percent (317 votes) feel that Toomey will be re-elected.

If Sestak wins the primary, it would set up the first U.S. Senate rematch in Pennsylvania history.

If Joe Sestak wins the primary in 2016, will he defeat Pat Toomey?

  • Yes, Sestak will pull it out (51%)
  • No, Toomey will be re-elected (49%)

Total Voters: 649

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5 Responses

  1. As much as I want to see Toomey gone, it is way too early to start predicting upsets and all. Toomey’s move to the center on gun control will definitely help him in the Philly suburbs and there is no guarantee that Hillary Clinton will run for President. The latter point is absolutely mandatory for Sestak to win. There must be a very strong Dem Presidential candidate to carry him past an incumbent US Senator.

  2. I’m with Maria…51 to 49 are sufficient to be elected, but are well below sufficient to give Sestak a polling “edge” so far out. It says more about the readership of PoliticsPA than anything, probably. I wonder what the results would be for a similar poll at the Commonwealth Foundation website?

  3. Maria-
    I thought the same thing.
    (even though 300 of the votes were from me). LOL 🙂

    (just kidding, I voted only once)

    Sestak’s got only two things going for him for 2016:
    1) plenty of time to raise lots of money
    2) presidential year turnout

    That’s pretty much it. He’s got no actually message. His whole “principled leadership” is just a lot of empty words wishing they were an actual slogan.

  4. It’s 3 1/2 years out… I’d love to see Toomey gone, but let’s be honest, he’s got the incumbancy thing going for him. And Sestak was such a dope to hold the Democratic Party at arms length, which cost him money and resources when Onorato was running statewide.

  5. How are those odds pretty good?

    Your own poll had the race in a statistical tie.

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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