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Reader Poll: Tabas To Be Next PA GOP Chair

Lawrence-TabasLawrence Tabas will be the next Chair of the Pennsylvania Republican Party.

At least that’s what our readers (or their bots) think.

This survey shattered our record for most votes in a reader poll, with 40,120 in total.

26,072 votes were cast for Tabas.

Meanwhile, 7,375 and 6,673 respondents chose someone else and Val DiGiorgio respectively.

The full results are included below:

Who Will Be the Next Chair of The PA Republican Party?

  • Lawrence Tabas (65%)
  • Someone Else (18%)
  • Val DiGiorgio (17%)

Total Voters: 40,120

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35 Responses

  1. @ No Validity:

    I would think that SS would ensure that double-votes would be blocked [from any one ‘puter].

  2. Dr. Bob, before you pronounce this survey valid you should try to find out how many unique voters voted. I would be 80% of the votes came from the same people voting over and over again.

  3. Because “This survey shattered our record for most votes in a reader poll, with 40,120 in total,” it has validity as a reflection of public-opinion.

  4. Hey Issac. READ the headline. Politico calls it a poll indicating that it is predictive of voting results. Readers are not predictive of results if they do not have a vote. The whole thing is ridiculous. But then, that is PA politics as always and I might add, it is folks just like you that perpetuate PA in this category.

  5. I’m going to be best orange man president in history of world. Will appoint corrupt Mercer County president judge Thomas Dobson to Supreme Court, thus he can spew hatred there in bigly lies in court opinions.

  6. GOP Vet’s reading comprehension skills need some work. It’s a reader poll, not a scientific poll. There’s no pollster involved. Don’t give yourself a heart attack.

  7. The honest thing for Politico to do would be to recind or at least correct your headline.

    The individuals who comment and don’t give a darn about the truth and falsehood are really the only ones who and lie and hide behind the1ST Amendment. For a journalist to do it is really an offense to everyone who has defended our rights!


  8. Political needs a new pollster! There are only approximately 200 members of the Republican Committees tree who get to vote. You are tallying tens of thousands.

    Could you be purposely misleading? FALSE NEWS AT ITS BEST.


    Larance Tabas is just another Philadelphia politician playing both sides of the fence

  9. Anyone that aligns themselves with Gleason, state chair who couldn’t even Secure row office wins when the republicans win the top of the ticket, is circling
    the drain.
    Tabas does not have a successful history of organizing and making money for the party. Val has been a party loyalist and leader. He has a proven track record and the energy to take the party from a swing – blue state to a solid red. He has a plan to mobilize the youth and the middle class not just serve bureaucrats. Gleason is a spiteful vindictive person
    He is already using intimidation tactics to secure votes for Lawrence. while I think on his face Tabas is a good guy I question anyone that aligns themselves with Gleason.

  10. When Val DiGiorgio gets his cushy hack job from Governor Shapiro in three years, will the press release leave out that he was head of the party when Josh got elected? Worked in Montco.

  11. Josh Shapiro is digiorgio’s law partner at Stadley Ronon.

    digirogio and his partners at Stradley Ronon gave Shapiro thousands of $$$$ to get him elected.

    did digiorgio pretended to support rafferty? did he really wanted his partner shapiro to win? and digiorgio made sure rafferty didn’t even win his own chester county.

    chester county has 20,000 more republicans. how did rafferty loose?

    ineffective county chairman or working with his buddies behind the scene to make sure his partner Josh Shapiro to win?

    You decide!!!!!!


    He currently is Chairman of The Casey for Senate Committee. He has also served as the Pennsylvania Finance Chairman for President Clinton and as Vice Chairman, Finance, for the Democratic National Committee. He was also Chairman of the Pennsylvania Finance Committee for the Democratic National Committee and chairman of the Ed Rendell for Mayor campaign and a member of the Finance Committee of the Ed Rendell for Governor campaign. He was a delegate to the National Democratic Conventions in 1976, 1980, 1992 and 1996. He was Vice Chairman of the Philadelphia Gas Commission from 1979-83.

    How will Lawrence support the republican candidate against Bob Casey when his boss and partner is the chair of Bob Casey’s campaign?

  13. This is ballot box stuffing that would Philadelphia Democrats envious.

  14. Do Val’s minions really want to get into a debate over whose law firm is more pro-Democrat? Val works for Stradley, for God’s sakes.

  15. My concern is, why are state committee employees being paid to also help run a campaign? They should absolutely stay out of it. Too late now but there must be some ethics issue related to it. A website polling that is open to the whole world and allows multiple voting isn’t legit nor accurate. Makes me think this is another “fake news” outlet and rethink it as any kind of trusted political news source.

  16. I have “no horse in the race,” but I have chatted with people who consider themselves to be in-the-know; most conclude that either individual would be just-fine claiming, for example, that Tabas would probably be appointed to remain counsel even were he to lose.

    That said, some people discount “endorsements” because committee-people tend to frown on any perceived pressure from elected officials; that the Philly vote is 6:6 suggests that the competition may be tight.

    Explanations for the false-claim of a caucus-endorsement [chronicled on PoliticsPa] appear to be weak, even when a proposed chronology is posited; such an expression of exuberance can backfire.

    Under-noted is the scuttle-butt regarding what has occurred in Chester County, not only the loss of one state-senator, but also the failed effort to dislodge a “tea-partier” [Donna Ellingsen]; have not heard of any Tabas-related incompetence although, from personal experience, he [and the party] were lucky to have skated when the Guzzardi-challenge was filed a few years ago [on a technicality].

    What could enlighten is whether either has weighed-in regarding Wagner, noting that he has donated both to LaRouche and Kerry/Dean; this segues into the prior concern regarding whether Tabas has explained why he had donated to Dems.

  17. I would say something negative about Val but I don’t want to get another call from Pat Toomey telling me what to do.

  18. Over under on how many of these comments shilling for Val are from Rob Brooks and Dave Feidt? Let’s put the line at 5.5 to start.

  19. John Galt, you want to talk about statewide candidates into office. Judy Olson was just pushed out last week by Val because he got his people to vote for Mundy. Why? Because Corman and Toomey own Val. How about the Superior Court race — candidates were chosen in the Southeast by Jim Cawley of all people. Cawley showed up at the Southeast Caucus meeting and pushed Kagarise, Tonkin, and Stedmen. Why? Because they are committee people and agreed to support Val and of course Cawley when he runs for Governor. If you think Tonkin and Stedman are good candidates, you are crazy — Just Google them. If Val wins, and he probably will, the judicial slate of endorsed candidates they are selecting are going to get lambasted in November. I wish the committee people would see how they are being manipulated by these power mongers. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

  20. Notice how Val’s minions in the comment section have stopped talking about how he “won” the central caucus as soon as Lawrence dropped the endorsement of more than 50 central caucus members while Val only has the endorsement of a handful in central caucus…

  21. Woah Rob Brooks that retainer from VD is going to good use. Do the Chester county donors know that their money is going to your comments on here?

  22. Too bad the PA GOP staff can’t vote 15,000 times a day in the actual state party chairman vote…

    I wonder how much Larry is paying them to run his race? Rumor is they are making $1,000 a week with the promise of better jobs in PA and DC.

    Check the numbers – DiGiorgio is up 90 to 32 in the straw polls.

    Funny that Nick mentioned the bots… unfortunately, that isn’t a joke as the state party staff was forced to spend all day every day voting in that poll until it closed.

    I wonder how much actual work is being done at 112 State Street to ensure our statewide judges get elected this year…

  23. Val Digiorgio is a puppet for the Senators. They want him to be the Chairman so they can control the party…it’s that simple. Val controls the Southeast Caucus and that is key for endorsements. Unfortunately, the committee people in the Southeast, with the exception of Philadelphia, are sheep. Look what just happened to Judy Olson last week. Corman needed Mundy to get the endorsement so he can come through on the deals he made. This is so corrupt. I wish people knew…

  24. I’ll just pile it on here…

    Lawrence Tabas has not only donated personal money to the DNC, he has also served as a defense witness to a Democratic State Senator accused of bribery.

    Did Gleason check Larry’s voter registration card before handpicking him to succeed him as chair? Larry should be challenging Marcel Groen for his job.

  25. Team Tabas is desperate. The first three caucuses handed DiGiorgio a commanding lead.

    DiGiorgio currently leads 91 to 32.

    I’d hate to be Joe Desilets right now…

  26. Did you know?

    Lawrence Tabas is paying an army of PA GOP staffers (on sabbatical..of course) thousands each to run his campaign with the promise of better jobs at the state party or in DC.

    Sounds pretty establishment to me…

  27. Hilarious! Shattering voting records, most likely because of “bots.” Trump would call this “rigged,” “pathetic” and “sad.” The geeks working for Republican State Committee (and Tabas) must be ready to jump out of their third-floor windows on State Street after last weekend’s straw vote landslide for Val DiGiorgio. Drain the swamp, baby!

  28. If only Gleason, Tabas, and the boys were as good at getting actual votes as they are at forwarding PoliticsPA polls around. Imagine what could have been if PA GOP had channeled this work ethic into getting statewide candidates into office…. sad.

  29. Lawrence Tabas is the only candidates for GOP Chair who has donated personal money to the Democratic National Committee and affiliated Democratic Organizations

    Look it up yourself…

    It makes sense since this is Lawrence Tabas’ boss and law partner, from his firm bio:

    He currently is Chairman of The Casey for Senate Committee. He has also served as the Pennsylvania Finance Chairman for President Clinton and as Vice Chairman, Finance, for the Democratic National Committee. He was also Chairman of the Pennsylvania Finance Committee for the Democratic National Committee and chairman of the Ed Rendell for Mayor campaign and a member of the Finance Committee of the Ed Rendell for Governor campaign. He was a delegate to the National Democratic Conventions in 1976, 1980, 1992 and 1996. He was Vice Chairman of the Philadelphia Gas Commission from 1979-83.

  • Will RFK Jr. Supporters Back Trump?

    • No. Won't Make a Difference (66%)
    • Yes. Move Helps Republicans (34%)

    Total Voters: 50

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