Reader Poll: Who Should Republicans Nominate in PA-6?

balloCongressman Jim Gerlach shocked the political world last week when he announced that he would not seek re-election this November. All of sudden, a formerly safe seat in the House of Representatives was up for grabs.

Gerlach’s retirement has led several Republicans to consider entering the race, especially after redistricting made the perennial toss-up 6th District a bit more red.

Among those mentioned as potential candidates are Chester County Commissioner Ryan Costello and Chester County Republican Chairman Val DiGiorgio. State Senator John Rafferty hasn’t ruled out a run and former U.S. Senate candidate Sam Rohrer also remains in the mix.

Additionally, this weekend businessman Patrick Collins threw his name into consideration while noting that because of the short four-month “sprint” to the primary this race presents an usual opportunity.

So, we ask you, who do you think Republicans should nominate to replace Jim Gerlach in PA-6?

Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

  • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
  • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

Total Voters: 27

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9 Responses

  1. Discussion is pointless. Those who really run the R Party in PA have already decided on who THEIR candidate will be–all else is a show designed to fool R voters into thinking they have some voice in the process. Those folks are as out of touch with voters as the same, tired parade of professional “candidates” who have held, at best, a job of a few years duration in one of a number of cottage-industry-R law firms before achieving their goal of permanent government employment. AND MAKE NO MISTAKE: The Ds offer no real choices either, just Party-funded propaganda purporting greater commitment by “outsiders” who are ONLY committed to giving away even greater amounts of taxpayers money via even bigger government. Wake up, voters, do your homework, and demand better from the political parties.

  2. Sam Rohrer is clearly best positioned to capture the current mood of the Republican base in Washington. He was for tea party principles before they were popular with Republican voters, and coming from the conservative policy and advocacy world, he’s best positioned to know and deliver the outcomes that conservative voters want.

  3. Rohrer still collects the gains from his self dealing 50% pension raise vote while the pension crisis hurts school kids and taxpayers
    We suffer today while he pockets the cash

  4. You know that Sam was mislead about the pay raise, and then did not take it for himself. So why are we continuing to bring up the same old lies about it?

  5. Sam Rohrer has not kept in touch with the base who supported him and worked with him. This tells me he does not see elected office in his future.

    It would be good if the candidate would consider representing The Forgotten Taxpayer who has to pay for all their spending.

  6. The pay raise vote is a 9 year old talking point that is losing its effectiveness. If it really discredits Sam, then every PA6 article in the country wouldn’t be listing his name as a contender.

  7. Sam Rohrer voted for the midnight payraise and caused the pension crisis by voting to increase his own pension by 50% and teachers and state employees by 25%. Our classrooms, kids, & taxpayers suffer while Rohrer collects. Sam Rohrer conservative not. Fool me once Shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me!

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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