After four years, a crowded primary, millions of dollars, hundreds of ads, three debates and one Jeep we are finally on the verge of Election Day.
You’ve heard the arguments by now.
No Governor has ever been defeated for re-election in the history of the commonwealth.
Nevertheless, Wolf has led throughout the year and currently holds a double digit lead according to the latest YouGov poll.
So, we ask our readers the biggest question of the year, who will win the gubernatorial race?
Who Will Win the Gubernatorial Race?
- Tom Corbett (54%)
- Tom Wolf (46%)
Total Voters: 3,319
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21 Responses
@ DD:
You can run, but you cannot hide; as anticipated, after you were confronted elsewhere, you persisted in discussing Voter-ID rather than attempting to rectify your prior gross-errors.
Furthermore, after your lengthy subjective attack on advocates of Voter-ID were “answered” by a series of hyperlinks that contradicted your claims–objectively–you failed to reply.
Thus, you have again demonstrated why you merely consider posting on this site to be “sport,” pursued to satisfy your desire for entertainment; this also explains why no one should take you seriously.
Tom Corbett gets my vote. Wolf is Obama all over again. The people in this State need to wake up and realize that Corbett had to clean-up the fiscal mess left behind by Rendell and there is much more of Rendell’s leavings to deal with that could not be taken care of in this term. We are finally seeing some light in economic growth and job growth! Want more of Rendell and Obama?? Then you will probably vote for Wolf. He will eat us alive in taxation and debt!
And they say Democrats commit voter fraud…ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Charlie Pont-
Philly can turn out 0% and Wolf will still win. That’s how big the margin is going to be.
But, even if Philly turnout is more pathetic than usual, it won’t matter. It’s going to be huge defeat of Corbett.
davis daio, govevenor corbitt is gonna win the contest that counts on eletion day cuz poles show he gonna win a land slide, so ya bettar get use to his been gov 4 anuther 4 yrs cuz it gonna happen cuz the way it works in penna is guvs can be guv for 8 yrs,
If Corbett wins it would be the most unlikely victory I have ever seen in my lifetime. However, the voter interest level in the city of Philadelphia is on par with the level of interest normally generated by Phila DA’s election.
Team Corbett must be working overtime, clicking the button, to skew the PA Politics poll.
I guess this is the only contest they can win, so they want something to put on their resumes:
— Lost gov race, but won online poll.
Poll currently reads 69 percent for Corbett, 31 for Wolf. Thanks for the morning laugh, folks.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Catherine Baker Knoll rises from her grave on Halloween night with her perfectly coiffed helmet hair & starts a write-in bid to become the guy
Chris, with all due respect, you’re out of your mind if you think Tom Corbett is going to win reelection in a landslide. He is on track to make history as the first Pennsylvania governor in history to lose a bid for reelection. Where are the so-called “poles” (polls?) that indicate Wolf will lose the election?
The only way Corbett will win next Tuesday is if there’s a blizzard in Philadelphia while the rest of the state has 75 degree, sunny weather.
Chris, with all due respect, you’re out of your mind if you think Tom Corbett is going to win reelection in a landslide. He is on track to make history as the first Pennsylvania governor in history to lose a bid for reelection. Where are the so-called “poles” (polls?) that indicate Wolf will lose the election?
The only way Corbett will win next Tuesday is if there’s a blizzard in Philadelphia while the rest of the state has 75 degree, sunny weather.
Wolf 56-44. This race has been a forgone conclusion since Corbett announced he was running again. Chris Christie should be embarrassed by the amount of money RGA pumped into this lost cause. Looks like R’s will hold both state houses so we can look forward to 4 years of nothing.
basel yeh I’m right and sew is the poles that say goevenore corbitt is gonna win a 2nd term cuz he entitled to it cuz in penna the way it works is guvs can be aloud to be in office 2 terms and he gonna do that watch and sea,
Corbett will win 51%-49%.
In 2018, the Dems will rally behind Casey, Jr., (who wants to follow in his late father’s footsteps) and he’ll win the governorship for the Dems.
I think the greatest case of public political masturbation has been due to the email porn.
WOW! Chris was right. I am glad you didn’t take my bet. Wolf should concede now and avoid the landslide embarrassment.
Excuse me I just slipped on my dripping sarcasm.
I think Tom will win
Why do a poll? Just ask Chris Martinez.
davis daino I aint no why you say I vote lotsa times, I get jest one vote jest like ever uther votar, and I say the winner is gonna be goevenore corbit cuz he all redy is goevenor and the way it works in penna is guvs are aloud to have 2 terms as guv and than they gotta stop and let the rother party be gov for 8 yrs,
I’m guessing that Chris is voting multiple times.