State House Majority Leader Dave Reed opted out of running for Congress, meaning he will not run for any elected office in 2018.
“With the finality of the court decisions, my time in elected official will conclude this year and 2018 will truly be a new beginning for our family,” Reed wrote in a Facebook post.
Reed put the blame for the decision on the state Supreme Court, which ordered and eventually redrew the Congressional maps itself.
“When our family made the decision to enter the race for Congress in January, we knew this year would be a year of change for us. Little did we know that most of that change would be determined, not by the voters, but by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court drawing Indiana County out of the 9th Congressional District and the United States Supreme Court allowing their actions to stand,” Reed wrote.
The new district that includes Indiana county also includes Republican Congressman Glenn Thompson, which would have forced Reed into a primary challenge instead of running for an open seat.
15 Responses
Another Republican official ruined by Turzai. When is the Republican House caucus going to wake up and dump him. He can’t be taken at his word and worse is his volatile temperament. Its his way or the highway.
The voters determined that my own previous CD-15 should touch both the Susquehanna and Delaware Rivers, and take two hours to drive end to end? I hardly believe that we did something so disadvantageous to ourselves. Thank you PA Supreme Court for overthrowing the gerrymandered corrupt map, and allowing me to vote in a compact CD-10, fairly along with my neighbors.
Too bad. He should have primaried Glenn Thompson.
“Little did we know that most of that change would be determined, not by the voters, but by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court…”
…which was duly elected by the voters of this Commonwealth, in elections that aren’t subject to gerrymandering.
Exactly. And what’s worse is he HAS to know that.
“With the finality of the court decisions, my time in elected official will conclude this year and 2018 will truly be a new beginning for our family,”
possible translation : #metoo
Reed does not get what he wants which is the Pa Supreme Court rules his way on redistricting and cries foul while taking his bat and ball and going home. This is a heads-up that “business as usual” Harrisburg insiders are not going to vote in a commission for redistricting because they want to horde power for themselves. The citizen voters need to demand that Harrisburg insiders like Dave Reed do the people’s bidding and not the Harrisburg insiders bidding by establishing a commission to redraw congressional districts.
good choice people and I think for he should move to Montgomery County and run for reelection as Montgomery County Commissioner or as a State Representative in 2019 is to replace Madeleine Dean when she does wins the congressional seat and reelection in 2018.
I love when you parody Zakrey
He looks a poster child to caution people about the dangers of inbreeding.
His neck is wider than his head.
Pot calling the kettle black hey Diano?
This is a low blow even for you, DD.
The leadership on the D side of the aisle are practically fossils compared to Reed… Some have been in office since the 80’s. We should applaud elected officials who decide to step back and give a younger generation the chance to influence policy.
Good riddance! This guy is such a loser. Brought nothing of value to the commonwealth. Complete moron
Good riddance! This going to be a good election year.
This is what I call a good start to cleaning up Harrisburg.