Long-time Penn State football coach Joe Paterno ignored and/or covered up instances of sexual assault against minors by his assistant coach Jerry Sandusky for decades.
That’s the report from Charles Thompson of the Patriot-News.
The allegations emerged from a court order on an insurance case against Penn State University.
“In 1976, a child allegedly reported to PSU’s Head Coach Joseph Paterno that he (the child) was sexually molested by Sandusky,” it states.
The document also cites instances in 1987 and 1988 when assistant coaches witnessed “inappropriate” and “sexual” contact between Sandusky and a child. In 1988, a child reported that he had been molested by Sandusky and this report was “allegedly referred to PSU’s Athletic Director.”
In the Freeh Report, it was revealed that Paterno knew of a 1998 investigation into Sandusky despite the fact that he testified that the first he’d heard of any allegations was in 2001.
Additionally, it was revealed that athletic director Tim Curley, President Graham Spanier and campus administrator Gary Schultz decided to alert the PA Department of Welfare that an assistant had witnessed Sandusky in the shower with a minor. Curley changed his mind, however, after speaking with Paterno and the information was not passed on.
UPDATE: Jeremy Roebuck and Susan Snyder of the Inquirer are reporting that Penn State settled the claims from the 1970’s and 1980’s that are mentioned in the Patriot-News’ report.
23 Responses
Louie Freeh and Frank Fina “uncovered” exactly what they were told to uncover. Fina slow-rolled the investigation while he sent racist e-mails and e-mails suggesting statutory rape is OK.
This investigation was political from jump. That’s what happens when you have self-interested creeps like Corbett and Fina in charge.
You made some clear points there. I did a search on the topic and found most people will agree with your website.
… “according to Penn State leadership” … Yeah … OK …. Come on, man!!
Aaron..My point is that a lifetime of decency toward your fellow man that has been shown time and again from random encounters of students and other folks on campus to being a large benefactor to PSU to being a good family man and an outstanding competitor in national sports–all of this adds up to a good man who is entitled to a fairness and not being smeared by decades old assertions that, according to Penn State leadership, cannot be supported. Coach Joe deserves to be treated with fundamental fairness.
Paterno – a guy who says “Hi” to students while he lets his assistant coach rape children.
Just to follow up on my post below. I saw Coach Paterno many times around campus and on College Ave during my time at Penn State. This man who was a legendary football coach at a major national university would stop and talk to the students as any regular guy would do. He was so matter of fact and down to earth that when he’d walk around campus he was one of the gang and people treated him that way. Most national football coaches are rarely accessible but not Coach Paterno who was a humble and good man.
President Eric Barron of Penn State stated very appropriately and clearly in an email to the alumni, “…We cannot find any evidence, related to a settlement or otherwise, that an alleged early assault was communicated to Coach Paterno..”
RIP, Coach Joe Paterno. I saw Coach Paterno many times talk to the students as he walked around campus or town and showed great respect for every person he encountered. He upheld the highest standards that Penn State represents.
As PSU President Barron well said in his email, “…We should not be rendering judgments about the actions of Coach Paterno or any other former employees of Penn State based on incomplete, sensationalized media accounts..”
Let’s not forget that, besides Paterno’s apparent criminal negligence (I don’t care whether it violates the letter of the law), there was and is a whole community that chose to allow children to be raped for decades rather than give up their fantasy about a team that plays a game.
I’ve read the same story again and again, from victims, their parents, janitors, assistant coaches … acting on what they knew subjected them to waves of threats and abuse, risked their jobs, etc. That is why these crimes could continue. That is the real issue, and we can’t let the community, or ourselves, off the hook by saying it was a few bad apples.
Also, where is any concern for the victims? Paterno, even innocent (which I very strongly doubt), is the least of the victims and the only one many care about. Instead of statues of Paterno, there should be memorials to the victims. The team should permanently have something on the back of their pristine helmets reminding everyone of the victims – how about a black circle with a white silhouette of a child, or a number representing the number of victims (with a plus sign next to it, to represent the many unknown).
A Crucifixion is too good for Paterno. Roasting over a spit is more appropriate.
The PSU/Paterno apologists are downright reprehensible. “The Kool-Aid will be served to your left…”
I’d like to know more about this new claim before I decide whether or not it changes my opinion. Too bad most people aren’t like me and haven’t been from the start. The Sandusky scandal becoming the crucifixion of Joe Paterno is a case study in the power of the media and how easily the press can lead people to the conclusion they want them to reach.
JoePA said it best himself – “I guess I coulda done more”
Joe Paterno, rest in peace. At least you don’t have to suffer through these allegations and innuendos any more.
The facts are clear and Atty Wick Sollers representing the Paterno Family said it best and needs no further comment from me, “…Joe Paterno did not, at any time, cover up conduct by Jerry Sandusky…”
Again, enough said!
Hey Sue Paterno you knew. Scott Paterno you knew. Release the file on Joes homelaptop. The file called “why I hate Jerry”!!!!!!
Same Old Same Old. These men are evil. THEY RAPED LITTLE BOYS… You are as sick as they are.
From the same article says Atty Wick Sollers speaking for the Paterno Family, “Over the past 4 1/2 years Joe Paterno’s conduct has been scrutinized by an endless list of investigators and attorneys. Through all of this review there never has been any evidence of inappropriate conduct by Joe Paterno. To the contrary, the evidence clearly shows he shared information with his superiors as appropriate. An allegation now about an alleged event 40 years ago, as represented by a single line in a court document regarding an insurance issue does not change the facts. Joe Paterno did not, at any time, cover up conduct by Jerry Sandusky.”
Enough said!
Has unethical Cynthia Baldwin been fired yet for misconduct at grand jury for PSU 3? Any disbarment or other discipline in the works?
So for all that loved Joe-do you still?
How long did Tom Corbett know???? How many of these sick rich-boys rape little boys??? Where there is one. There will be many, this cover up didn’t happen with out protection from Power players.
And Freeh didn’t uncover this? Nice job Louie
Joe Pa can suck a bag of dead dicks if this is true.
… and Liberache was gay.
I file this under: No shit he knew.