State Rep. Mike Fleck (R-Huntingdon) publicly acknowledged Saturday that he is gay, making him the first openly gay lawmaker in Pa. and the only* currently sitting openly gay Republican state legislator in the entire country.
In a deeply personal story by the Huntingdon Daily News (subscription), Fleck, a devout Christian, explained the difficult road to his announcement.
“Coming out is hard enough, but doing it in the public eye is definitely something I never anticipated,” he said. “I’m still the exact same person and I’m still a Republican and, most importantly, I’m still a person of faith trying to live life as a servant of God and the public. The only difference now is that I will also be doing so as honestly as I know how.”
He said his party affiliation remains strong.
“The Republican party is all about the government needing to stay out of people’s lives,” Fleck said. “I’m not a one-issue person and it’s not a one-issue party.”
More of his testimonial from the Daily News is below.
Fleck, 39, has a resume that would impress Republicans anywhere. An Eagle Scout by age 18, he graduated from Liberty University in 1995 and worked professionally for the Boy Scouts of America as a district executive in Huntingdon County from 1999 to 2004. He was married in 2002.
In the legislature he’s been a moderate Republican; he was targeted by the conservative Citizens Alliance for Pennsylvania in 2011. However, aside a few votes in committees where Fleck doesn’t serve, there haven’t been significant votes on gay rights issues during his tenure.
He and his wife separated about a year ago; they do not have children.
He will be joined in Pa. in January by Brian Sims of Philadelphia. The Democratic attorney is the first openly gay candidate to run and win office in Pa.; he ousted Rep. Babette Josephs (D-Phila) in April.
Ted Martin is Executive Director of Equality Pa., the state’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender advocacy organization. He says Fleck is now the only openly gay Republican legislator in the nation, although another will take office in Ohio in January. Former Missouri Republican Rep. Zach Wyatt is also openly gay.*
“There’s an opportunity here to have an open discussion in a new way,” Martin said. “There’s a real live voice to talk about it inside the Capitol, inside the Republican caucus. I hope Representative Fleck will want to work with us.”
“I respect his process, respect that this isn’t easy,” said Martin, who came out at age 32. “I would hope people respect his integrity and his privacy.”
There’s no conceivable political upside to the announcement in Fleck’s district which is one of the most conservative in the state. Registered Republicans outnumber Democrats nearly 2-1.
Fleck won a four-way primary for the seat of outgoing Rep. Larry Sather in 2006 and was unopposed for re-election this year. The 81st district comprises most of Huntingdon County with parts of Blair and Mifflin. Under the new map expected to be in place for 2014, he will have a slightly more moderate district: all of Huntingdon, a smaller part of Mifflin and a part of Centre County in the suburbs of State College.
*The original version of this story reported that Fleck was the first openly gay GOP state lawmaker in the country; that was based on two interviews but is not the case.
Here is more of the Huntingdon Daily News story:
After college, Fleck returned home to southern Huntingdon County, purchased his grandfather’s farm and found himself working as district executive for the Boy Scouts of America. He’d been extensively involved in the program in his youth, was once named Scout of the Year and, during his senior year at SHCHS, earned the distinction of Eagle Scout.
As an executive for the organization, Fleck said “now my livelihood depended on hiding my true sexual orientation, something I was very good at.”
He continued that during his 20s, he firmly believed what he’s been taught, that homosexuality was a choice and so never felt in great conflict because he’d learned to suppress his feelings.
“I wanted to live a ‘normal’ life and raise a family,” Fleck said. “I also believed that by marrying, I was fulfilling God’s will and I thought my same-sex attraction would simply go away.
In fall 2000, Fleck met his future wife and they immediately clicked.
“She was everything I could have ever asked for and to this day she is still my best friend,” he said.
While his professional dreams were becoming reality, Fleck said he was also weathering personal battles, namely his same-sex attraction which, contrary to all he believed and was taught, remained.
“So I just prayed harder and put it in God’s hands,” he said, adding that as one of the county’s most visible couples, the unresolved feelings and pressure of public scrutiny took its toll and Fleck opted for therapy.
“I sought out treatment from a Christian counselor, but when that didn’t work out, I engaged a secular therapist who told me point blank that I was gay and that I was too caught up in being the perfect Christian rather than actually being authentic and honest,” Fleck said.
He said the hardest part of the process has been reconciling his faith with his sexuality.
“Through years of counseling, I’ve met a lot of gay Christians who have tried hard to change their God-given sexual orientation, but at the end of the day, I know of none who’ve been successful,” he said. “They’ve only succeeded at repressing their identity, only to have it reappear time and time again and always wreaking havoc not only on themselves, but especially on their family.”
Fleck said once he was able to be honest with himself, he could finally be honest with others, because no one in his life had any clue about his personal struggle, not even his wife.
“My wife and I became closer than ever before but it was bittersweet as we both concluded that the marriage was over,” he said. Fleck moved out in the summer of 2011 and his wife bought a house that fall.
Fleck stressed he is still the same representative the residents of the 81st District elected in 2006 and have since reelected.
“I don’t see anything changing in my life, I don’t see my voting pattern changing,” Fleck said. “I just want to do my very best for the 81st District. I’m just trying to be authentic and I do owe it to my constituency to do that.”
92 Responses
Thank you ever so for you post.Much thanks again. Cool.
you are horrible mike fleck.
This Jack guy who has commented on this page is scary. He talks about how he’s happy but honestly he sounds rather unhappy- at least going by his vitriolic rants
I have researched buildings and history for the past 50 yrs. All buildings that followed linear architecture (rectangular buildings on rectangular lots with picket fences or compound walls on straight roads) are successful and prosperous all over the world. The U.S.A. and CANADA are the only two countries in the world that followed linear architecture for several decades and they became very successful countries in the world.
Please visit my website http://www.vastutheory-mudrageda.com to find the features of good luck buildings. Most of the successful buildings in the world have a majority of these features. Please reintroduce the linear architecture to U.S.A and CANADA to maintain their greatness in this world. Take a look at our county court houses in every state, and they are all good luck buildings. Take a look at Pentagon, it was built during World War II and America did not win a single war after– World War II ended with the Cold War, Korean War is not solved, Vietnam war was a great loss, Iraq and Afghani wars are in a limbo and the American army will not win a war as long as the Pentagon is the American military headquarters. I advise Americans to move the military head quarters to a rectangular building and covert the Pentagon to a federal prison.
Now look at General Motors (GM), it was a great success when it was run from the old head quarters. Now it is run from Renaissance Center and it will never be successful. Independence Hall in Philadelphia, a very good luck building. Marshall Space Center in Huntsville, Alabama and the governor’s mansion in Williamsburg, VA are also great buildings. They have all the features as described on my website. The Watergate building, it is a very bad luck building. The 9/11 Memorial is a very bad luck building. The new CDC building in Atlanta is also a very bad luck building. Don’t forget the Enron corporations downfall. All buildings built on golf courses are all bad luck buildings.The American embassy in Bagdad is a vey,very,very bad luck building.
By using linear architecture, the U.S.A can become a greater success.
Surya Rao Mudragada
And this is a very good reason why the US of A is so screwed up.
To say the you’re a gay Christian is a contradiction. No. God is certainly NOT with him.
If the ball goes over the fence, it’s still a home run, no matter if a right-hander or left-handed batter makes it happen. Mike Fleck’s record in Harrisburg is beyond excellent. He deserves to be re-elected as a highly effective legislator. Period.
I would never vote for this guy anyway though not because he’s gay. He’s been living a lie for much of his life. He should have gotten the hell out of central PA many years ago so that he could have lived an authentic life free of the ignorance and bigotry of his birthplace. Instead, he aided and abetted that by supporting it through his political actions. No sympathy here, and I don’t expect any from his self-righteous constituents either.
I every time used to study article in news papers
but now as I am a user of internet thus
from now I am using net for posts, thanks to web.
The comments on this article just demonstrate how fucking retarded Pennsylvania gets once you leave the Philadelphia area.
Enough of this Mike Fleck issue, I want to address Gun Controls.
The greater gun control advocates have neglected to address the blood and the lives of those already given to gain us this right of self determination including the second amendment. Count the lives already given in wars and defending the Constitution; the Revolutionary War, and all the wars since. Some of the folks where my own forefathers or progenitors and probably yours. I’m saddened by the countless young lives lost as a result of misguided young men who leash their hostilities on the main of society. These misfits will not be deterred by gun bands, in fact it will only make them conjure up more diabolical feats to wreck their vengeance on our precious progeny.
There is NOTHING “gay” about being a practicing homosexual. It is a lifestyle fraught with illness, addictive mentalities and behaviors and mental illness. The ONLY reason why the psychiatric profession since 1973 has claimed homosexuality is acceptable is because the homosexual movement of that time forced them to say that, through threats and intimidation…two things they are very good at doing.
Couldn’t agree with you more Jaxon and perfectly stated!
I realize that it can be mortifying not to understand what’s going on with one’s emotions and growing up without a father to recognize and guide us while passing through those early formative years when we are struggling to find our way to manhood. I went through a similar time myself. I grew up on the streets of Huntingdon and experienced an expanding small town society. Fortunately my neighbors helped guide me through this period while WWII was progressing. I worked after school selling and collecting newspapers, mowing yards, shoveling snow, washing cars and pumping gas for a few dollars. I can understand why the boy scouts might be expected to fulfill the role of the father in the lives of some young boys.
There were and still are homosexuals in Huntingdon who might try to take advantage of such free spirited boys. Naive young men and even adolescent boys in youth clubs from the streets learn this very early because they are approached and cajoled by gay men and offered money, clothing or trips to ballgame excursions, etc. We know it happens in State College, reference the Sandusky case.
One’s image of family and church forms a basis for natural behavior, without this a youth may misconstrue their role in life as nature and the community intended. If a homosexual enters the child’s life at this formative period the child without other alternatives might be persuaded. Homosexually or anti-social sexual practice is unnatural and inconsistent with procreation unless one wants to produce more homosexuals. However given choices and knowledge about the behavior and lifestyle of gays, homosexuals, and their perversions, which their assemblages try to keep hidden, unless it offers them a political advantage, a rational, sensible and well intentioned youth might elect not pursue and chose another this path.
Dr. William Bennet, who authored the book “The Death of Outrage”, commented that the Clinton administration has made such a big deal about tobacco use shaving 6-7 years off one’s life, while openly supporting the gay life style in this case the gay death style that is known to shave off over 30 years from the average life span; both male homosexuals as well as lesbians have a life span roughly 40% shorter than heterosexuals. For homosexuals, the average AIDS caused death is 39 and non-AIDS caused death is a remarkable age 42! For lesbians the average age of death is 44 because the rate of AIDS among lesbians is not a significant factor.
David Foster, a former homosexual and author, found that the rate of injury and death from domestic violence among homosexuals is at least five times that of heterosexuals, and when it comes to lesbian relationships, the rate goes right off the scale. Apparently, lesbians beat the hell out of each other, and often. He also points to a very high incidence of drug and alcohol abuse as another strong factor in reducing the life spans of homosexuals and lesbians so drastically.
Not only are we to accept the gay lifestyle, but these individuals and groups also insist we embrace their lifestyle in our schools where it can be painted as “normal”. Normal? The more we “accept” openly homosexual behavior, the more repugnant and bizarre their behavior becomes in order to garner the same level of shock and disgust. So when a gay rights supporter asks that frequently heard question, “Would a person deliberately place themselves in a position to be hated and reviled?”, the answer is an unequivocal “Yes, they would!”. And in fact, they do.
Let me ask you something: What is normal about a young man with a herniated sphincter who must wear diapers due to fecal incontinence from having submitted to so many acts of anal intercourse? I knew several young men who had that disgusting problem. What’s natural and normal about that? What’s so natural and normal about your child dying before you? What’s so natural and normal about having to get an AIDS test every three months? I don’t have to, and I’ll bet the average reader doesn’t have to either. The homosexual lifestyle has proven to quickly spread HIV as well as that most recent and perhaps even deadlier threat, Hepatitis C. The public health costs imposed by the gay community on the rest of society have been costly indeed — and no one can dispute that. What about when those children might be tempted to experiment with it and thus become its’ unwitting victims as well? Would any parent want their children to experience the degradation?
I served in the military in close accommodations with other males and witnessed a homosexual attempting to rape a fellow officer, where upon he defended himself in a violent effort to brake free. I’ve see gay male homosexual in drag (female dress) trying to pick-up sailors in water front taverns. Gays tend to seek out naive young men to indoctrinate them and keep them as their bitches. I have been the recipient of gay men’s advances. To further study aberrant sexual behavior one need only view the movie ‘Monde Coney’, a documentary of sexual practices around the world narrated by Orson Wells.
If you thought the “gay lifestyle” was just about two guys playing house, you’ve bought into just another of the many lies they want you to believe. Brutal acts of sadomasochism between homosexuals are often played out, sometimes resulting in injury and even death, and the physical beatings between homosexual and lesbian “lovers” are legend within the law enforcement community as well as with emergency health care professionals –which is another fact you won’t see reported in the mainstream media. If there ever was a misnomer, it is the term “gay” when referring to these pitiful creatures. I shall hence-forth refer to them as Anti-social sex acts contributing to the downfall of civilization.
In recent years there has been a rather predictable development that has been very carefully hidden from the public: Organizations of “recovering homosexuals” have sprung up all over this nation, made up of both men and women who have escaped the homosexual lifestyle and have begun successful heterosexual relationships. In some cases, former lesbians have met and married former gay men and are now raising families. You will find it interesting to note that Anna Freud, Sigmund’s daughter, reported the “recovery” of three homosexuals in her writings in the 1940’s. If homosexuality is so natural and people are born into it, how can this be? Answer: It can’t be.
In a recent development, a Florida Doctor was sued by four Anti-social (gay) men who claimed they were not cured or made straight and wanted their money back. First this sounds like a conspiracy for which they should be arrested and secondly one has to want to be cured.
I don’t mean to be demeaning to Mike, I’m trying to point out to this Gay community especially in Huntngdon County and which tend to defend his actions and were my children live, that this anti-social gay homosexual behavioral activity is against nature and society; as a preponderance of the historical evidence shows. Chlamydia, human papillomavirus (HPV), gonorrhea, herpes, hepatitis (multiple strains), and other sexually transmitted infections including HIV and syphilis caused by the spirochete bacterium can be transmitted through oral as well anal sex and to deny this is not a major health problem is to be myopic to the affairs of the citizenry who’s interest he has taken into his confidence to protect.
The Christian bible and religion, per say, the old and new testaments, are based on earlier religious writings on sin and included in them all, from Jewish, Greco-Roman, Egyptian, and Mesopotamian writings, refer to homosexual behavior as endangering the tribe and society. References to this behavior, appears in these early writings, as interfering with the solidarity of the tribe and spreading disease. This anti-social sexual behavior has expressed its self in countless societies over countless ages and has shown itself to be a detriment to social harmony and the family on which a strong Roman society was based until its decline; it may have contributed in part to the decline.
My comment was redacted because I presented a visual image of a homosexual act. I tried to cast my comments for shock value and to alert people to the true nature of this evil behavior which presents a dangerous health problem to society. The vocabulary of this vile behavior has been softened to make it politically acceptable, such as ‘gay’ instead of homosexual prostitutes, fornicator, pervert, or sodomite; referring to my earlier comment. These words have more power and come to us from many languages and many ages and are found in ancient writings from Jewish, Greco-Roman, Egyptian, and Mesopotamian texts, where they describing homosexual behavior as endangering the tribe and society and contrary to nature.
I would have to say that armidillo breath could not have put it any better-Big whoop-The state has a lot more concerning issues.
Mike Fleck’s actions are far from being decent and honorable. He has admitted knowing for a very long time he was gay but kept this quiet for his own livelihood. He continued to present himself as a straight, christian to the voters in his district as well as to his wife knowing full well he was gay. How convenient for him to make his revelation after the election but also after another “openly gay” man was elected. Rumors have followed Fleck for years regarding his homosexuality as well as infidelity. Seriously, what else does Rep. Fleck have in his closet?
[Redacted for violation of the comment policy]
Here is what the Bible says about those who claim Christianity, but in reality, they are frauds who sneak into churches for the express purpose of corrupting Christianity from within: “Dear friends, I had been eagerly planning to write to you about the salvation we all share. But now I find that I must write about something else, urging you to defend the faith that God has entrusted once for all time to his holy people. I say this because some ungodly people have wormed their way into your churches, saying that God’s marvelous grace allows us to live immoral lives. The condemnation of such people was recorded long ago, for they have denied our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ. So I want to remind you, though you already know these things, that Jesus first rescued the nation of Israel from Egypt, but later he destroyed those who did not remain faithful. And I remind you of the angels who did not stay within the limits of authority God gave them but left the place where they belonged. God has kept them securely chained in prisons of darkness, waiting for the great day of judgment. And don’t forget Sodom and Gomorrah and their neighboring towns, which were filled with immorality and every kind of sexual perversion. Those cities were destroyed by fire and serve as a warning of the eternal fire of God’s judgment. When these people eat with you in your fellowship meals commemorating the Lord’s love, they are like dangerous reefs that can shipwreck you. They are like shameless shepherds who care only for themselves. They are like clouds blowing over the land without giving any rain. They are like trees in autumn that are doubly dead, for they bear no fruit and have been pulled up by the roots. But you, my dear friends, must remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ said. They told you that in the last times there would be scoffers whose purpose in life is to satisfy their ungodly desires. These people are the ones who are creating divisions among you. They follow their natural instincts because they do not have God’s Spirit in them. But you, dear friends, must build each other up in your most holy faith, pray in the power of the Holy Spirit and await the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will bring you eternal life. In this way, you will keep yourselves safe in God’s love.” The Book of Jude – In other words, repent for those who engage in sexual immorality are not submitting themselves to the Lord or seeking after His purpose for humanity, but rather their own selfish lust for temporal pleasure resulting in their eternal destruction.
First Jesus was a Jew and did not start a new religion, he wanted to make Judaism more welcoming. Billie must be a Jew because she quotes from the Old Testament which is Jewish.
I was taught that Jesus taught love not hate or judging others. We are all God’s creatures and should live our lives as best we can with what we are dealt.
Sometimes I think bigotry wrapped in the bible is still bigotry. People seem to try to ram their religion down the throat of those who believe differently then they do.
Congratulations Mr. Fleck. It’s not easy coming out of the closet especially considering the current political climate.
I pray that his everyone shows him the same compassion and love that Jesus would have.
knowledge will set you free Davie, but experience is what I have. The two together helps me navigate through the pit falls of life.
Seek help. Just saying you have a grasp of knowledge does not make it true.
Other Jack on December 2, 2012 at 7:06 pm
Hi Other Jack, my name sake, Jack don’t you see the trend, every ethnic group and misfits needs to take a turn in the White House. I prefer the American Indian, then we can learn to live in the natural environment; next we can vote in the Chinese who own much of America all ready, and then maybe the Gays. We really need to put into office the people we’ve really screwed.
Hi Davie, I take it from the tone and bent of your note that you are my junior and don’t know and probably can’t imagine, what my experienced have been. I don’t condemn Mike, he condemned himself, I just agree with him. I just don’t trust him anymore, he was my conduit to the Governor. You should know Davie that all education is self-education and comes from many sources in Life; the teacher is largely a guide. I’ve had many judges and teachers and I could guide you along the correct path of ‘life’ should you wish to follow and set you back on it again. Medical Science is still making advances in this area, if you don’t like shock therapy try a lobotomy. I will not pay for any sex changes should he feels he may need one.
A Barbarian from the Latin is simply a rural person; we here in Central Pennsylvania are rural. We clawed this land from the wilderness. One might say that, “If you don’t know history you don’t know the world you live in today”. I never suggested that GOD made Mike; whether he did or not he may be under the spell of the fallen angle Lucifer. I don’t know the scriptures that well nor do I know GOD intimately, I know GOD only by what I see around me. The scripture say, “Be fruitful and multiply”, ask Mikes wife about that.
I used to be gay, I thought it meant outrageously happy even intoxicated; then the language and the culture changed. Now I’m just happy, something gets lost in the translation. There are many aspects to being gay or homosexual, my question is, take the Sandusky affair for example: a homosexual predator; is he, meaning Mike, a passive or aggressive pervert or what’s referred to as a switch hitter? Leave Billie alone he’s my Cousin. Mothers wash out for your children.
He’s gay, big whoop. Our commonwealth has bigger issues to tackle.
Funny he became honest with the voters right after he was re-elected…
Being gay is NOT a lifestyle. Nobody says heterosexuality is a lifestyle. These are sexual orientations. Here are some lifestyles…. cheapskate, spendthrift, fashionista, miser, clothes horse, jet setter
Now that Rep. Fleck has moved beyond this announcement, he can get back to his TRUE christian work of taking healthcare from children…what a hero.
It takes courage to come out, especially as a conservative gay christian. As a fellow conservative gay christian I have faced many criticisms, and mostly from the gay community. Hang in there, and keep up the good fight:)
As a senior staff member of the opposite party, I knew Rep. Fleck as a committee member. He is a decent and honorable and intelligent man.
I have to say I am hugely disappointed in Mike. Somethings are better left unsaid.
People are more concerned with who people are sleeping with then women being raped!
Billie… are you or are you not forming a negative opinion of Rep. Fleck for his lifestyle/decisions he’s made? You call him a liar. You have judged him for that.
And guess what, he lied to himself and would admit to it. Given that he has grown up around barbarians like yourself, he was taught his lifestyle was wrong. He believed it. You cannot fault a guy for that but people like you will judge anyone who isn’t perfect yet the mirrors in your home probably work just as well as those in Rep. Fleck’s home.
Secondly, being gay is not liberal. Rep. Fleck has not all of a sudden changed his positions on issues because he is publically gay.
Finally, you do not get to dictate his timeline for coming out. If the voters would not have voted for him because of his sexual preference but all else the same guy they voted for 3 other times then shame on them. His sexuality is none of their business and has no impact on his role as a legislator.
Billie, I pray to God that he gives you the ability to love his people the way he does. You place an influence on God and church yet you do not follow God’s basic teaching and that is to love your neighbor as yourself. Mike Fleck is a good man who has finally found himself. Be happy for him and be happy that the Republican Party can have conservatives who do not fall into identity warfare.
Hey Billie- Since you have quoted sections of Leviticus, I hope that you are following the other laws laid out by this chapter of the Bible- that means no shellfish, no cutting or shaving of hair, no wearing of clothes made from multiple types of fabric, etc. Hope you’re behaviour demonstrates how devout you are!
Dave please don’t quote scripture to me. I know what Jesus said. I’m not judging the man. He openly came out of the closet. How is that judging….I’m just stating the ovious. He is the one that was caught up in a lie and took others down in shame because of it. He is the one who stated comments like this….Fleck said “now my livelihood depended on hiding my true sexual orientation, something I was very good at.”….so hes been lieing a long time and also married commiting adultery. He and his wife have been apart for several years both living in different houses. So if he is so proud and couragous why not come out any sooner? Therefore as a proud gay man he should have come out way before this election even started….if he was so proud. Why not do it the summer of 2011 when he moved out…that would have been the perfect time. Do you really think he would have had alot of supporters from the Rep. party….No, they would have had someone run against him and he would have then taken a chance to lose his golden goose egg that all his lies helped him get. He is not a hero in this….he hasn’t come back from over seas and needs commended and a metal given. He is a average person who seems to have been very confused in life. I don’t care what he does in his bedroom but the fact remains hes in the wrong party and needs to switch over. He is not going to stand up on different issues that come threw the way his party would want him to. Even prior post by Gay Americans have stated the same thing. I get so sick of people trying to convience others that we should all run around the happy tree holding hands and singing “Kumbayah”….right is right and wrong is wrong. His life was a lie and he has been deceitful….not only to his family, his church and his party and the Boyscouts, probably others also we don’t know about. He can continue his lifestyle but should go and be with the liberials that have more of a understanding of him.
And FYI……..
Lev 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind , as with womankind : it is abomination
Billie and Jack,
You have NO clue what it’s like to come out of the closet and you have no business dictating when he was going to do it. Jesus said “Judge not, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned.” (Luke 6:37)”
Further, if you knew anything, you would have known that Rep. Fleck ran unopposed and so coming out before the election would have not had an impact on the results.
To Jack specifically, you ought to be ashamed of your teachers throughout your years of schooling. GET YOUR MONEY BACK. Hormone injections and shock therapy do not work and it’s barbaric to suggest he should have tried them. There were brutal dictators throughout history who have subjected people to such acts. Mike is gay. Mike is one of God’s children. To suggest that God made a mistake with Mike and should be subjected to shock therapy is disgusting and I fear for you when you’re answering to the almighty. God does not make mistakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mike Fleck did something that was very difficult and whether you agree with his lifestyle or not is no business of yours. Is he a good legislator? Yes. Does him being gay take away from all the good that he’s done? No.
God Bless Mike Fleck and everyone else who has had to struggle to find their true identity. God is with him.
Wow, Jack thinks that Mike Fleck is on his way to the White House. Methinks Jack is an ideal candidate for shock therapy.