Sanders’ Michigan Director to Lead PA Effort

Sanders-021507-18335- 0004The Bern is coming to the Keystone State.

The Bernie Sanders campaign has set up offices in Scranton and Pittsburgh this week ahead of the commonwealth’s April 26th primary.

Pennsylvania’s 210 delegates are the third-most of any remaining state (behind California and New York) making it a prime target for both candidates. Clinton won her 2008 contest against Barack Obama and is considered the favorite this year as well.

In order to change that, the Sanders camp is bringing on Ryan Hughes, who led the effort in Michigan and oversaw the biggest upset in recent political history.

Hughes will have his work cut out for him, though, as Hillary has secured the support of 18 of the state’s 21 superdelegates and is also opening an office in Pittsburgh today.

9 Responses

  1. It’s really amazing that the facts are all so overlooked here. Clinton is riding her overwhelming name recognition and smothering herself in Obama. Early voting has helped her immensely. Clinton would have lost most states with out the stale vote. Meaning that sanders winns the current voting. One very big difference between Sanders and Clinton is that Clinton seems to have no conviction in her positions. They seem to change day to day based on the competition and latest polls. Sanders has been very consistent for 35 years. One can count on him not going to the center in office and in the general election. Everyone must know it’s only a matter of time before Clinton goes back to the center just as she mimics sanders positions in the primary. How long before TPP becomes her gold standard again? So many other things as well.

  2. Her experience was well tensioned ,I suppose. But I saw not much change in the violence, the denigration of women, the open societies. She met with leaders and I am sure impressed them with her knowledge, but no much progress. Perhaps no one could hav done more, but I don’t see her experience as the reason she should be the nominee. I will happily vote and work for her, if she is our nominee, but I challenge the party bosses who endorse her to do the work that Bernie’s supporters do.

  3. I’m sick of raising my kids in constant war. War is a human created problem. Only one candidate on the DEM ticket voted against the 1 Billion dollar costing Iraq War, not to mention all the men and women who didn’t come back, or the physical cost for those who came home.

    Anyone saying that HRC has more ‘foreign policy’ experience is just voting for the Military Industrial Complex, which is a huge waste of taxpayer money. More of a waste than any program that spends money on Americans rather than blowing up brown and black people.

  4. tommyd –

    Bernie’s strength in polls against the GOP is the result of him not being attacked and vilified yet. Show me a poll after they’ve spent $100 million attacking him.

  5. “And Hillary lacks economic and domestic experience.”

    In what possible context is that real? She was a Senator for eight years.

  6. Bernie leads more polls against the Republican candidates. And Hillary lacks economic and domestic experience. It’s way too early to give up. Doing so would harm the Democratic party in the long term. The party must not alienate those young Sandernistas, and the DNC (DWS)needs to understand that.

  7. When the time comes, I’m sure Bernie will wholeheartedly endorse Hillary. But it’s not time yet. Sanders will stay in the race right through California, then concede and endorse. His message and his ideals are good to have in the mix and have succeeded in pushing Clinton in the right (left?) direction.

  8. I like Bernie, but he lacks foreign affairs experience, so Hillary is the choice. Bernie should see this and get on her team. Defeating GOP is the real goal.

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