Sen. Williams Tells Eakin to Resign

Anthony WilliamsState Sen. Anthony Williams added his voice to the Porngate debate today, calling the widespread questionable conduct part of a “tragically broken” system.

“It doesn’t stop at Eakin, it starts with Eakin,” Williams said while calling for the Supreme Court Justice’s resignation. Williams also wants First Deputy Attorney General Bruce Beemer to step down for his role in the scandal.

“We need a special prosecutor to create a credible investigation,” Williams said. “The legislature must take the required steps to prevent these kinds of racist, misogynist, homophobic expressions from happening on the public’s dime.”

Harrisburg has become a symbol of dysfunction to many throughout the state. As top lawmakers drag their feet on a budget that’s 20 weeks late, the state’s judicial system and the Attorney General’s office have been making headlines for all the wrong reasons.

The now-infamous porn email chain cost Supreme Court Justice Seamus McCaffery his job last year. Eakin had been cleared by the Judicial Conduct Board last year after McCaffery accused him of participating.

Then Robert Graci, chief counsel of the Judicial Conduct Board, stepped aside after the Daily News reported he had a long history with Eakin.

Eakin’s involvement is now being re-investigated by the Judicial Conduct Board, though questions have arisen over their objectivity after revelations that board member Eugene Dooley was included in the messages.

Williams said he would not criticize Philadelphia DA and friend Seth Williams, though he did admit Frank Fina – who sued AG Kathleen Kane last week – and two other city prosecutors should have been fired “a long time ago.” The DA gave them sensitivity training instead.

“Sensitivity training would not correct what we saw today,” Williams said.

23 Responses

  1. This article is about racist, woman-hating perverts masquerading as judges and prosecutors. Senator Williams had the courage to speak out; as did City Council and NOW.

    If you – or any other troll-boy for that matter – has evidence that AG Kane “stifled” complaints of sexual harrassment, you should take that evidence to NOW. In the meantime, it is fair to ask:

    Has Eakin resigned yet?

    Is Frank Fina still collecting a salary from the citizens of Philadelphia??

    Has a grand jury been sworn in to investigate the many illegal leaks from Kane “investigation”???

  2. “New Office Motivation Policy Posters,” was the in the subject line of an email that Frank Fina sent from his government account.

    Attached were several images. “Take advantage of every opening,” read the caption of one photo, which showed a woman having anal sex with her “boss.”

    “Making your boss happy is your only job,” read the caption of another, showing a pants-less woman on her knees, performing oral sex on her “boss.”

    A 2011 email from Fina to his colleagues included … “Rainbows: Not as gay as you might think,” showing a woman in rainbow-striped underwear and stockings. Fina said that one was his favorite.

    How friggin’ bigoted is Fina? City Council has the answer for you. So does Senator Williams. The National Organization of Women does too.

  3. Because the only “motivational poster” I have shows Kathleen Kane acting out a scene from “Boondog Millionaire.” It says “MISOGYNY: PROMOTING GUYS WHO GROPE WOMEN IN THE OFFICE.” Way to go, Kathleen! Down with women in the workplace!

  4. Oh, really Pat? Is that so. Please provide a link. Because I believe it has been reported that Frank Fina even sent this “motivational poster” to his wife:

    From Philly mag — Fina’s group of faux motivational posters included an image of a white man, carrying a bucket of fried chicken, being accosted by two deranged-looking black men. The caption?

    “Bravery at its finest.”

  5. H3, I’m pretty sure that was sent TO Fina not FROM Fina. But since when have you let facts get in the way of your inane blathering?

  6. Of course, all that really matters is that I LOVE KATHLEEN KANE and will look for any opportunity to express it. Also, I hate Fina, Repervlicans, and the Corbett Pervs inside the Clown Car.

  7. Senator Williams called it “Hate-gate” rather than Porn-gate. I have to agree with him. These hateful creeps are exactly what we DO NOT WANT in judges and prosecutors.

  8. Again, I caution all: Before we condemn AG Kathleen Kane for leaks of information we must consider the present situation. If she is guilty or not their has been a grievous injustice and intolerance in our PA Court system up to and including the Supreme Court of PA.

    Senator Willioans in his presentation presented an interesting follow up to PORNGATE and who is involved.

    This shows a dangerous pattern of prejudice and unfair bias in the PA Court
    Systems as proceed by and participated in by Judges, Prosecutors, Lawyers, and Defense Lawyers.

  9. eagleswing, arguably McCaffery getting “referral fees” from ambulance chasers that appeared before him (payments routed through his wife, of course) is worse than looking at dirty emails.

  10. 1) why does not the Supreme Court immediately suspend Eakin the way they did Mc Caffery? what Eakin did is 100x worse– using a fake email account to send and receive porn. instead they r ever it to toothless JIRB, or a former appellate judge whose ‘private investigation’ costs taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars.
    2) in the olden days state employees — including lawyers and law clerks — used state computers for not only personal emails but also running their private law practices and businesses. every incoming head of department made noises about not allowing folk to do it but rank and file continued to do it. and still does.

  11. Wait until Senator Williams gets to see the bestiality videos they watched at work … on their State computers … on the taxpayers’ dime.

    One would think the Tea-Party Loons would be very upset at such behavior. Haven’t heard from them though.

    At least Senator Williams and City Council have the courage to speak up.

  12. How many more scandals can there be before the Feds come in and investigate? This has gone far enough. Time to clean up Harrisbirg – and the philly DA’s Office too.

  13. Pat Unger, you haven’t stated how that’s illegal. How about citing to the section of Title 18 that would make it illegal based on the content of speech (uh oh, that sounds like a First Amendment problem)?

  14. It not just about “personal” use. These creeps used their State equipment on vile material – like a woman having “sex” with a snake, graphic violence against women, a 100 year old woman engaged in intercourse …

    And then there is the “hate” (as Sen. Williams just called it). Their attitudes towards Blacks, women, homosexuals, Mexicans and other minorities is absolutely appalling. These are Judges and prosecutors we are talking about!! They should be ashamed of themselves (but they are not).

    Where is the NAACP on this?

  15. PA State Senator Anthony Williams maybe is not a lawyer and may have been using the term of prosecutor loosely to include a mere disciplinary advocate or counsel.
    We should not get hung up on the technicalities of language. Obviously, there is rot to the core of the legal/judicial system and that should be the focus of reform.

  16. And, the pot calls the kettle… well, never mind. Hardy is one step ahead of his own FBI probe, after taking MILLIONS from for-profit education profiteers in the last couple of races, but that won’t shut him up! I just love the Harrisburg Cesspool! This really shouod be a Netflix Sitcom with all the hilarious characters and zany subplots…

    [I don’t disagree with what the man is saying, obviously – I just wish it were coming from someone with cleaner hands. But there isn’t any someone like that in Harrisburg!]

    Next up: Tyron Ali weighs in on the the lack of honor among Harrisburgs thieves.

  17. Using State Computers for personal use has been going on for a long time. I worked with someone who watched Soap Operas every afternoon on her State Computer – guess what – she got promoted. Personnel knew about it, the Executive Office knew about it. The Secretary of the Department used to give this person credit for things she never did. I’m retired now, but I understand this person is still doing it.

  18. @KSFD-if you listen to Frank Fina, these are allegations of illegality. Fina prosecuted persons for using their government computer for personal matters. And Williams never said anything about illegal conduct. He said Eakins emails are racist and misogynistic which reflects on his ability to be fair and impartial to women and minorities. Both are qualities we agree that any justice should possess. Eakin of course will keep his head down and say that he’s cooperating with the Judicial Conduct Board inquiry. Of course he is since EVERY member of that board has been appointed by the Supreme Court!! Now do you understand why Williams is calling for an independent prosecutor?

  19. Good for you, Senator Williams!!

    How do you figure, @KSDF? It is illegal to use State resources on racist e-mails … on bestiality videos …on sexist e-mails … on sexual images of children. That’s what Fina & The Corbett Pervs did at work. They prosecuted people for similar behavior.

    Also – corruption is illegal. From Castille and Eakin on down, we have seen evidence of corruption. Who do you think pays for the Judicial Review Board? We do. The taxpayers do. We don’t pay them to take care of their buddies. We pay them to do their jobs fairly and ethically.

    Plus – as we have learned from Kane’s saga – leaking grand jury material is illegal. It’s not just illegal when Kane does it. It’s illegal when Fina & The Corbett Pervs do it too. And there were scores of illegal leaks from the grand jury investigating Kane.

  20. ““We need a special prosecutor to create a credible investigation,” Williams said. “The legislature must take the required steps to prevent these kinds of racist, misogynist, homophobic expressions from happening on the public’s dime.””

    Why would we need a special prosecutor? There are no allegations of illegal conduct.

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