Shapiro Secures Second Term

This Democrat will get a second term in the Attorney General’s office. 

Attorney General Josh Shapiro has defeated GOP challenger Heather Heidelbaugh, a former Allegheny County Councilwoman and Pittsburgh-area attorney. Shapiro leads Heidelbaugh by just under 4 points as the AP called the race on Friday afternoon. 

In 2016, Shapiro bested Republican John Rafferty by about 2.5 points for the open AG seat.

The Attorney General’s race is the second statewide race called in Pennsylvania. On Friday morning, the AP called the Auditor General’s race in favor of Republican Tim DeFoor. As Shapiro scores a victory and former Vice President Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump, another Pennsylvania Democrat trails in his reelection bid. Treasurer Joe Torsella trails GOP challenger Stacy Garrity by 1.58 points, although that race has yet to be called.

14 Responses

  1. I’m no fan of Josh, but I do give him good marks for fighting the Trump campaign and GOP attempts to curtail voting rights in PA and going on news interviews to explain it all. He handled himself as a AG, informing the public, and not a candidate.

  2. Josh Shapiro is a national treasure. His intelligent approach, calm and capable demeanor, and expertise are helping us survive the final remnants of the failed Trump Reality Show.

    1. I’d like to see Shapiro and Schumer race to see who could get in front of a TV camera first. Wonder who Shapiro will sue for the next four years?

      1. My money is on Shapiro. I’ve never seen a more calculated politician… and that’s saying something.

  3. Trumpers flooded the polls and went R right down the ballot. The one that concerns me is Garrity. Checking her website, her endorsements are mostly far right ones. The really ugh one is Ollie North. I see her and I think Katherine Harris – remember her from the Florida 2000 fiasco?

  4. It is stunning a talented politician like Josh Shapiro had a political battle with such an unimpressive opponent but this was a tough cycle when you consider that Dems lost Auditor General and, it appears, that the State Treasurer race has yet to be settled. It is really good for Dems that Atty Gen Shapiro won and be a viable political force going forward.

    1. Twenty miles from Pittsburgh in any direction, and forty miles north, west, or south of Philadelphia, you might as well be in Alabama, West Virginia, Oklahoma, or Mississippi. Literally Appalachia to substantial degree, figuratively Appalachia to greater degree.

      But white flight is improving the Pennsylvania electorate. That’s all of the smart, ambitious young people leaving town at high school graduation, never to return, seeking the education, opportunity, and modernity that must be found elsewhere.

      This leaves behind a depleted human residue — a concentrating pool of ignorance, superstition, bigotry, addiction, and backwardness — in the can’t-keep-up backwaters.

      Those backwaters are emptying of those clingers, too, as lack of economic activity chases even those content to stick with declining towns and dying industries against all evidence.

      Pennsylvania must maintain an effective lifeline for the young people who wish to overcome bad circumstances. No decent person faults a minor for having losers for parents. And we will need all of the educated, skilled, decent, modern citizens we can get.

      But the adults? The sole reasonable course seems to be awaiting replacement. That’s when the cranky old Republicans take their stale, ugly thinking to the grave and are replaced in our electorate by better, younger Americans.

      Just think — when Pennsylvania improves a bit more, perhaps we can even begin to see immigrants welcomed and able to provide a desperately needed shot in the arm to those backwaters, bringing ambition, education, drive, entrepreneurship, optimism, and other positive attributes to communities starving for them.

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