Slate: Rick Santorum Supports Pileggi’s Electoral Reform Plan

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Rick Santorum, two-term senator turned quasi-presidential candidate, stopped by the upper house today after a Fox News interview. (Former members of Congress have the right to visit the floor for their rest of their natural lives.) Reporters spotted him and got a dose of Perry-bashing (somewhat standard for the campaign these days) and his analysis of an idea, backed by Republican legislative leadership in Pennsylvania, to assign electoral votes to the winners of congressional districts.

“Certainly, from the standpoint of a Republican, it’s a winner,” Santorum said. “Republicans will come out ahead in Pennsylvania in every election. The way Democrats win, they have two big cities with huge concentrations of voters — and then overwhelm the rest of the state.”

6 Responses

  1. So without public input, hearings, or discussion, the republican majority in Harrisburg are conspiring to steal the vote from the majority of Pennnsylvanians voting for the democrat in 2012. If they weren’t afraid of public opinion and input, why is the republican leadership pushing this through so quickly and without any hearings?

    Pennsylvania bloggers are taking notice:

  2. Santorum has run a consistent, aggressive campaign, and whether or not you agree with him, I think he has done well enough to finally have the “quasi” term dropped ….

  3. Election Day isn’t winner-take-all? Then why doesn’t co-President McCain share some of the blame for this economy?

  4. How typical of the Democratic responders to Richard Santorum to attempt character assassination instead of addressing the issue, as the Congressional District reflects ‘one man one vote’, why let other Congressional districts opposition parties have their electoral vote discounted. Let’s remind ourselves that the preamble says “We the People” not “We the States”. Its called “Election day”, not “Casino Day” with “winner take all”.

  5. How does someone like Rick Santorum get elected in the first place? I understand there are places that are more conservative but he was elected by the whole state. Watching him numerous times on TV I have never seen him be anything but a major league doofus, and not even a hipster doofus (Kramer, re Seinfeld). He is not correct in any of his views even as he tries to be more Right on all his opinions. The Penn. plan is so transparent, especially since GOP’ers in other states are fighting against the same strategy. Everything is strategy and tactics until they meet their own ###, posterior, in front of them. Then if their electoral scheme backfires they will be screaming against it. This is the party of “character counts” and “marketplace of ideas?” Laugh to keep from cryin’.

  6. Rick Santorum continues to be an embarrassment to Homo Sapiens (though he probably prefers to be Hetero Sapiens).

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