Mark Smith received two additional union endorsements today from the IBEW. The Local 1319 and 126 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers announced that they are backing the Bradford County Commissioner in his race for Lieutenant Governor.
“Mark is young, energetic and a fresh face to Pennsylvania politics. He has a strong record of standing up for working families and we are excited to support a new generation of leadership for Pennsylvania,” said Rich Muttik, Business Manager for Local 126.
“Mark is a champion of middle-class values and the members of IBEW Local 1319 stand behind him in his campaign for Lieutenant Governor,” said Henry Stanski, Business Manager of Local 1319.
The IBEW 126 is based in Montgomery County and represents thousands of state workers in 36 counties. Meanwhile, the IBEW 1319 is headquartered in Wilkes-Barre and covers the northern portion of the Commonwealth.
“I’m humbled to receive the endorsements from the hardworking men and women of IBEW Local 126 and Local 1319,” Mark Smith said of the endorsements. “Working to push Pennsylvania’s middle class forward has become a cornerstone of my campaign. I look forward to working with Local 126 and Local 1319 throughout my campaign for Lieutenant Governor.”
Smith and Corbett
It’s been quite a week for the candidate as he also recently got into it with the Governor and his staff. The issue revolves around a letter all three Bradford Co. commissioners sent the Governor opposing the policy of energy companies deducting costs from leaseholders’ royalty payments.
“In my most-recent sit-down (with company officials), they basically told me they have the governor and guys like Gene Yaw on their side, so they’re going to fight this tooth and nail,” Smith wrote.
Patrick Henderson, the Deputy Chief of Staff and Energy Executive to the Governor, was not pleased with Smith’s comments.
“Commissioner Smith’s comments are inaccurate and unprofessional,” Henderson asserted. “His unattributed accusations from an alleged meeting are inflammatory, and if they were true, he ought to have the decency and forthrightness to state who, exactly, made such claims.”
“Our friends and neighbors here in Bradford County have been seeing their royalty checks dwindling for long enough. It’s not right,” Smith responded. “I invite the Governor to visit Bradford County and listen to the impacted families. Maybe then we’d actually know whether he supports legislation to mandate a minimum royalty for landowners. As of today, his silence is deafening.”