Steve Forbes Backs Smith for Senate

Steve Forbes, the Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of Forbes Media and a GOP presidential hopeful in 1996 and 2006, has endorsed Senate hopeful Tom Smith. He also backed Pat Toomey during his 2004 primary against Sen. Arlen Specter.

Forbes cited the Smith camp’s main argument – business experience. Smith, a native of Armstrong County, founded, managed, and later sold a mid-sized coal mining operation.

“Tom Smith has the real-world business experience that is sorely needed in Washington,” said Forbes in a press release.  “Tom’s steadfast support for spending control, debt reduction, and tax reform make him the best candidate to lead our Republican Party to victory in November.”

“I’m honored to have the support of conservative business leader Steve Forbes,” said Smith.  “Steve knows, like I do, that in order to get our country back on track, we must unleash the job creating power of the free-market.  I am grateful for Steve’s support and proud to add him to our growing list of conservative supporters across the nation.”

The four other candidates vying to unseat Sen. Bob Casey are David Christian, a Bucks County businessman and and veterans’ advocate; Sam Rohrer of Berks County, a former state Representative; Marc Scaringi of Cumberland County, and attorney and former aide to Rick Santorum; and Steve Welch of Chester County, an entrepreneur who is endorsed by the PA Republican state committee.

A Public Policy Polling survey released Wednesday showed that almost half of Pa. Republicans have yet to choose a candidate in the five-man primary for U.S. Senate. And no single candidate has greater than 25 percent name ID among GOPers.

9 Responses

  1. Tom Smith has real world business experience which brings a perspective needed in the Senate. Moving from union coal miner to multimultimulti millionaire coal mine owner is most impressive achievement. Committing some of his fortune to moving America back to fiscal sanity and its core values is most admirable.

    Legislatively, Tom Smith has Sen. Pat Toomey as his mentor. Tom Smith and Pat Toomey in the Senate is dynamite.

    I have met Tom Smith and is unpretentious, down to earth with iron clad conviction centered on Constitutional Limited Government, Separation and Balance of Powers, Rule of Law, Free Markets for Free People, Personal Responsibility in Judeo Christian tradition.

    Second choice is Sam Rohrer who understands the importance of principles and ideas in crafting policies. Sam has grown tremendously in last few years and that is mark of his character and openness. Sam has, rightfully, attracted an extensive principled grassroots support team and, from the polls, is current front runner to challenge Bob Casey.

    Dave Christian offers perspective on foreign policy that other candidates don’t and is a charismatic candidate.

    Steve Welch won’t be a disaster either. We have all gone off the track from time to time. My complaint is that Steve Welch is entwined with the self serving, self absorbed Establishment who has let us in wrong direction.

  2. Who would you rather have in the trenches with you – a man that has the experience and character ” of being in the trenches” with his men – or someone who can just talk about it. It is time for personal “hands-on” leadership to be recognized as a requirement for political office. We have enough of the “pretenders” and “talkers”.

  3. Tom Smith was not involved into politics until a few years ago when he founded and directed the Indiana Armstrong Tea Party Patriots. He has a long history of financially supporting conservative candidates, check the records.

    Non-politically active generational democrats are very common in Western PA, and many vote republican on a regular basis. If this was not the case, PA would have a Democrat Governor ad Legislative majority with a 1 million + voter registration edge.

    It is not as if he switched to vote for Obama and Sestak and then switched back to run for office.

  4. Actually, Smith was a Democrat until August of 2011. Then he registered as a republican and voila, he should be the Republican Nominee for US Senate. Riiiighhht….

  5. this (non)-endorsement is another example of the tomfoolery of this GOP race. I have spoken personally with smith, welch, rorher and scaringi multiple times at debates and meetings and rohrer is the best candidate. Smith was a Democrat until 3 years ago, so quite honestly, Mr Forbes, why don’t you shut up and butt out???

  6. Being endorsed by one of the smartest guys on the planet is really saying something.

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

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    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

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