Two of the nation’s top Democratic campaign organizations are engaged in a pitched battle in Pennsylvania’s 8th congressional district. EMILY’s List, which advocates for pro-choice female candidates, is going head-to-head with the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, over which candidate should lose to Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick (R-Bucks) in the fall.
An EMILY’s List spokeswoman enthusiastically touted businesswoman Shaughnessy Naughton. “We are completely confident that with Shaughnessy we can get within eight, maybe even six, points of electing a female PA representative,” she said.
The DCCC is standing firmly behind its candidate, ex-Army Ranger Kevin Strouse.
“We still believe we have a candidate in Kevin that can get 45, perhaps as much as 46 percent of the vote against Mike Fitzpatrick,” said a DCCC spokesman.
The Fitzpatrick campaign declined to comment but noted that the Congressman intends to hold a telephone town hall sometime in the next eighteen months.
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Aim high my friends, aim high.