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Support Corbett’s NCAA Suit, Says PAGOP

PAGOP logoThe Pa. Republican Party is wading into the war of words over Gov. Tom Corbett’s effort to sue the NCAA and ease tough sanctions against Penn State.

“Last Thursday, Governor Corbett filed a lawsuit against the NCAA to ensure that the citizens of Pennsylvania are not punished by the horrific and criminal actions of a few,” wrote PAGOP Chairman Rob Gleason in a Sunday email. “Devastating Pennsylvania’s economy is not the answer, and Governor Corbett is fighting against NCAA sanctions that punish past, present and future students of Penn State University, the citizens of our commonwealth and our economy.”

“He needs our support as he fights an overreaching NCAA that threatens to bankrupt the fragile economy that we are working so hard to rebuild.”

The email links to this online petition.

Governor Corbett has repeatedly insisted that the suit is totally apolitical and aimed only at countering an illegal action by the NCAA.

But his decision has met with mixed reactions thus far. Even many who support the suit – such as the Centre Daily Times editorial board – believe that its motives are political.

A successful suit could help ingratiate Corbett with Pennsylvania’s sizeable PSU alum community when he stands for re-election in 2014.

3 Responses

  1. Tom Corbett is the worst Governor we could possibly have in the state of Pennsylvania. His interest is in ingratiating the pockets of his buddies as he leave his constituents dangling in the wind. He has no plans for transportation and infrastructure which is appalling at best.His budgets cut the items that are needed the most like education he is a absolute disgrace to this state

  2. this law suit if Corbett loss could cost his re election this will determine Corbett fait

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