Trump Nominates PA GOP National Committeewoman Ambassadorship

President Donald Trump nominated PA GOP National Committeewoman Christine Toretti to become the U.S. Ambassador to Malta.

Trump announced his intent to nominate Toretti last Friday amid a slew of personnel announcements.

Toretti has been Pennsylvania’s National Committeewoman for the RNC since 1997.  She led the Women for Trump Statewide Leadership Team during the 2016 election and helped raise money for female Republican candidates across the country.  Toretti founded the Anne Anstine Excellence in Public Service Series to help women advance in politics.

She has served as the director of the Pittsburgh branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, the vice chair of the Rural Telephone Bank, U.S. Department of Agriculture, as a member of the National Petroleum Council, and on the advisory board for the U.S. Secretary of Energy.

10 Responses

  1. I my option she is what is wrong with America! Appalachia! Pennsylvania! Indiana Pa. the whole god dam deplorable scumbagilican party OF ZERO VALUES! A spoiled stupid LITTLE shit who’s rotten TO THE CORE in my option HER criminal gay daddy who committed suicide & left her a BIG pile, she has never ever earned a honest penny in her life unless you call counting her ill gotten gains or who to bribe AS WORK ….carlow college!!!!! or her current swamp creature koch bros/ russian dupes of the day no wonder she sides with RUSSIAN TRADER 45 ALSO KNOWN AS AGENT ORANGE the evilest president ever! suggest I she go hide & die in her 100% imported materials house in indiana pa as per her article in the indiana gazette many years ago or just go to her ultimate destination HELL!!!!

  2. i have known Christine for 20 years, she has always impressed my as a very astute business women. She entered what was once referred too as a mans world and did more than prove herself! Christine is not only a role model for women, but also men! Madame Ambassador I salute you and wish you all the sucess in the world! You have earned vour respect and you will do your Country proud!
    Charlie Sexton

  3. Congrats to Ms. Torretti…an awesome choice. We are all Western PA proud of your accomplishments and this honor. Malta, with its central location in the Mediterranean Sea was of great strategic importance in WW II, and given the current instability in that corner of the world, Malta continues to be an important ally.

      1. My mistake, glad South Korea finally has a new Ambassador less than three weeks before the Summit with N. Korea.

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