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Trump to Campaign in Johnstown

donald-trumpThe Republican presidential nominee is coming back to the Keystone State.

On Friday, Donald Trump will campaign in Johnstown according to Dave Sutor of the Tribune-Democrat.

The rally will be held at the Cambria County War Memorial. The event is scheduled to start at 4:00 p.m. Doors will open at 1:00 p.m.

Trump’s last visit to PA was also in Southwestern PA on October 10th.

The latest voter registration statistics in Cambria have shown Republicans rapidly gaining membership there and in neighboring counties.

5 Responses

  1. Trump is a winner! He is NOT a politician! Don’t expect him to act or talk like one. He will be a fantastic next President of the United States!

  2. How ironically perfect that Trump campaigns in a town famous for its flood right before he gets washed away with a giant Democratic Tsunami.

  3. Trumper should open up clubs and resorts in all the western PA counties! He’s got these folks hook line and sinker. Clinton sh$t on them when he signed nafta and now are left with desolate towns.

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