Trump To Participate in ABC News Town Hall in Philadelphia

President Donald Trump will be heading to Philadelphia this week to face questions from undecided voters.

On Tuesday night, Trump will be in Philadelphia to participate in an ABC News “20/20” town hall, anchored by ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos. ABC News reports that the one-hour, live event will begin at 9 pm. 

The town hall will take place at the National Constitution Center. ABC News announced in a previous release that the town hall will follow state regulations around attendance limits and COVID-19 restrictions. 

Trump won’t be the lone presidential candidate to be in the Keystone State this upcoming week. 

Former Vice President Joe Biden is slated to participate in a town hall hosted by CNN in Scranton on Thursday evening. His running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), will also be in the state on Thursday to campaign in Philadelphia. 

Trump, Biden, and Vice President Mike Pence all made visits in Pennsylvania last week as well. 

On Labor Day, Biden attended a virtual town hall from Harrisburg with AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka. Last Tuesday, Pence headlined a “Workers for Trump” event in Beaver County and talked pro-life related issues in a visit to Westmoreland County. Last Friday, both Trump and Biden visited the Flight 93 National Memorial on September 11. 

Recent polling indicates that Biden has the slight edge over Trump in the state. The Real Clear Politics Average shows Biden besting Trump by 4.3 points in Pennsylvania.

This story was updated to note that the event will take place at the National Constitution Center.

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  2. Trump is not afraid to take questions from any news reporter journalist or average Anerican citizen. Biden takes softballs. When an average person asks him something he calls the guy Fat or gets into a fight with a worker and he runs from reporters. Biden = Biggest Idiot Democrats Ever Nominated. He will lose like McGovern and Mondale in a blowout.

  3. Wow liberals hate Fox News as much as they hate President Trump. Just like they hate facts and the truth about everything. I can’t wait to watch these participation award crybabies lose their minds when President Trump wins again ????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  4. Can George S. or the American people trust anything Trump says? Hell No!!!!!!! 20,000 times a LIAR, always a LIAR.

    1. Trump is trying to help people. At least he isn’t hiding in his basement everyday. And he isn’t paid off by china like joe hiding

  5. How can he trust that interview?

    The news director is a Clinonite and has donated to various Clinton foundations and will be as negative as possible.

    The affiliates under George S. rule show 15 seconds of President Trump followed by 3 minutes of obsessed critics.

    So unfair!

    1. In other words, George S. is not a butt-licking Fox News propagandist for Trump that will let Trump lie repeatedly without challenge.

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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