Donald Trump will campaign in Pennsylvania for the first time since officially being named the Republican nominee for President.
His visit will occur next week, amidst the Democratic National Convention, which will be taking place in Philadelphia Monday through Thursday.
Trump plans to visit Lackawanna College in Scranton, according to state party officials.
Pennsylvania GOP Chairman Rob Gleason said that the visit will be “a town hall-style event.” He also stated that Trump can be expected in PA frequently in the upcoming months before the November election.
Earlier in July, Trump named Pennsylvania as one of his “target states,” which explains why “the state can expect to see quite a bit of him in the coming months,” according to Gleason.
Trump’s most recent prior visit to Pennsylvania was on June 28th, when he gave a speech in Monessen.
11 Responses
He should check out south side they will love him there
Trump shouldn’t waste his time here. In NEPA, we think America is already GREAT.
Bullies like Trump won’t make it American politics. We are too brave. Too smart. We will see through his con-job
This animal is not welcome in our state,
Be not fooled by the Devil
dripping in gold!!
Trump..President. Be afraid, be very
“Be not fooled by the Devil
dipped in gold”. Be afraid, be very
Afraid !!
The real bungy does not use all caps like a mental patient.
I see we have 2 sore ass bernouts in here. lol.
HA3: You are too nice to Trump. But polite company cannot print what I’d say to describe him.
Trump is a two-bit grifter fraud.