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TV Back-and-Forth Continues in SD-15 (Watch Videos)

District 15 is heating up, and both John McNally and Rob Teplitz are throwing punches. Each candidate has a new attack ad this week.

McNally’s 30-second spot, which according to Democrats is slanderous and false, spawned the release of a fact check by the Teplitz for Senate campaign.

“Teplitz has taken over $90,000 dollars in taxpayer paid raises,” firmly asserts the advertisement.  Adding that Teplitz has taken a 25 percent pension increase, and would see a 211 percent pension increase if elected.

The Teplitz for Senate campaign refuted, saying, “As a state employee, Rob Teplitz has no control over his pension because pension rates are set by the Legislature.” Democrats were quick to reply that “During the time Rob has been working for the Commonwealth, he has saved Pennsylvania taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars and gotten raises and promotions fitting someone who excels at their job.”

A screenshot of Teplitz’s spot: literally an ad within an ad within an ad.

Additionally, the Teplitz for Senate campaign released rebuttal attack on Saturday. The ad, “Truth hurts” highlights a report from the GOP primary in which McNally said he would support Gov. Corbett and education cuts. In recent months, McNally has said he would support more education funding.

“The Patriot News reported that John McNally supported Governor Corbett’s major budget decisions including cuts in education,” says a narrator. “But now he’s denying his own public record.”

Here’s Teplitz’s new spot, which is, literally, an ad within an ad within an ad:

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