Ultrasound Mandate Bill Loses 32 Co-Sponsors and Counting

Faced with mounting controversy, 32 state Reps. – 19 Republicans, 13 Democrats – have dropped their co-sponsorship of the “Women’s Right to Know Act,” lowering the number of supporters to 81.

The bill would require women seeking an abortion to obtain an ultrasound. Supporters of the measure say it’s important to establish gestational age of the fetus before the procedure.

The bill passed out of committee last month, but after a number of complaints – particularly from members of the medical community, who said it was inappropriate to mandate any procedure – House Majority Leader Mike Turzai postponed a floor vote indefinitely.

But those supporters are growing fewer in number. Reps. Patrick Harkins (D-Erie) and Nick Miccarelli (R-Delaware) removed their names from the legislation on Tuesday.

With little support from the medical community, lawmakers are finding it difficult to support the measure.  Rep. Scott Perry (R-York), who is also running for U.S. Congress, explained his withdrawal by stating, “I don’t know that I’m against it…I’m not sure it needs to be mandated. A – I’m not a doctor. B – I’m not a woman.”

Governor Tom Corbett offered limited support for the bill on Tuesday, so long as the procedure is not invasive.

“As long as it’s external, not internal,” Corbett told The Morning Call.

The following PA legislators have dropped sponsorship:

William Adolph
Rosemary Brown
Glen Grell
Joe Hackett
Julie Harhart
Thomas Killon
Ronald Marsico
Nicholas Miccarelli
Nicholas Micozzie
Thomas Murt
John Payne
Scott Perry
Dave Reed
Mario Scavello
Justin Simmons
Curt Sonney
Mike Tobash
Tarah Toohil
Mike Vereb

Tina Davis
Jaret Gibbons
Patrick Harkins
John Hornaman
Sid Michaels Kavulich
Nick Kotik
Deborah Kula
Mark Longietti
Tim Mahoney
Harry Readshaw
Dante Santoni
Ken Smith
W. Curtis Thomas

8 Responses

  1. I agree with Jeff that a list of the names of people who still support it in addition to their contact info would be helpful.
    Furthermore, where do I go to protest this before it’s too late? The women of Virginia gave it their best and yet with minor provisions it was still passed into law. We can’t let this slide for even one moment or it may be all the time they need to get it through. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to find an organization yet that’s mobilized against it here in Pittsburgh…

  2. Ultrasounds are already required by a woman considering an abortion so HB 1077 does not require an additional medical procedure, but it provides a pregnant woman the opportunity to see an ultrasound image of her unborn child and observe the heartbeat prior to an abortion. It gives her more information in order for her to make a more informed decision. Planned Parenthood officials have admitted Planned Parenthood policy already requires ultrasounds before abortion procedures. “That’s just the medical standard,” said Adrienne Schreiber, an official at Planned Parenthood’s Washington, D.C., regional office. “To confirm the gestational age of the pregnancy, before any procedure is done, you do an ultrasound.” According to Schreiber, Planned Parenthood does require women to give signed consent for abortion procedures, including the ultrasound. But if the women won’t consent to the ultrasound, the abortion cannot take place, according to the group’s national standards.

  3. Yes, the Republican party is against government over-reach except when it’s used against women and their personal lives.

  4. Glad to see my Rep. (Thomas Murt) dropped it… but what were you doing SPONSORING it in the first place?

  5. strange name for a bill forcing a woman to have an ultrasound – women have already have a right to know. s/b called state’s demand to know.

  6. I think you misspelled Women’s Right to Know Act.

    I think it’s spelled State Rape Act.

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