Boockvar Ad Goes All Out for Womens Issue Message (Watch Video)

A new ad from Democrat Kathy Boockvar’s campaign says that Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick (R-Bucks) has chosen the wrong side in the so-called “War on Women.”

The ad, titled “Shameful,” hammers Fitzpatrick for a voting record when it comes to protecting women, most notably, health, violence, and abortion issues.

“Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick wants to roll back decades of progress with policies that hurt Pennsylvania women,” the ad’s female announcer says. “Fitzpatrick voted to weaken the Violence Against Women Act. He’s opposed a woman’s right to choose, even in cases of rape and incest. And Fitzpatrick even voted to defund Planned Parenthood, robbing women of cancer screenings and other life-saving care.”

While this is the first television ad Boockvar has released attacking Fitzpatrick on women’s rights, it’s not the first time the issue has been raised by Boockvar in the campaign season. The Democratic hopeful for PA-8 released a web video going in depth on Fitzpatrick’s record on women’s rights, with some help from female constituents in PA-8 as well.

Fitzpatrick has defended his voting record on women’s rights. His campaign also released a web video, citing wife and three daughters, and his advocacy on behalf of abused women, as reasons why he is the right choice for women.

Fitzpatrick Campaign Manager Faith Bender emphasized his work on behalf of abused women. “Also,” she said, “Mike wrote the Rape Prevention and Education Grant Program Act of 2005 to create $80,000,000 of funding for prevention and education.”

She also rebutted the VAWA charge.

The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) reauthorization has been a common bullet point in Dem campaigns this cycle, but it could be misleading. Almost all Republicans did vote against one of two versions of VAWA: the Senate-passed version which would have expanded the law to include the protection of Native Americans, undocumented immigrants and lesbian, gay and transsexual individuals. But, shortly after, Fitzpatrick and the GOP voted to reauthorize a version a VAWA that more closely matched the original.

Update: Fitzpatrick also unveiled a new ad on Wednesday, a heartstrings spot about Fitzpatrick’s effort to help a family whose tragic loss was compounded by red tape.

Explained Bender:

“The ad is about helping Bethann McIntosh, a widowed mother of two whose husband died in the line of duty.  In March of 2010, Bensalem Paramedic Daniel McIntosh responded to a 911 call where a dangerous caller fled the scene to potentially harm their neighbors. In recognizing the danger the caller posed, Danny Mac suffered a massive heart attack and died in the line of duty while chasing the dangerous caller.  Unfortunately, because of a tragic oversight in the laws governing the program, Danny Mac’s family was denied the death benefit they deserve because he was serving on an ambulance run by a non-profit, not a municipality.  Mike Fitzpatrick passed the Danny Mac Bill out of the House unanimously to fix the program to cover widows and other spouses like Bethann.”

8 Responses

  1. Lastly, for all the arguments over abortion in this country, and Fitzpatricks opposition for women to have a right to choose, we are doing business with a country that has a one child limit. Women pregnant with a second child must pay a “social burden” fine that is so excessive they can never pay it. A woman was forced by Chinese officials to abort a 7 month pregnancy and she cut her wrists in a suicide attempt. Our American industries have cost this country huge losses in trade and jobs and yet the relationship with China goes on. There is no moral compass when it comes to money.

  2. The self centered Taliban boys are here mocking women. Watch what you ask for and what you may not get. lol!

  3. Pakistan is a vital interest that receives foreign aid from several countries to help develop stability in the country. Additionally Pakistan permits the use of 2 air bases which provides routes to get supplies to Afghanistan. The aid has been cut significantly over the incarceration of the man who aided the US to find Bin Laden. When the supply lines were shut down over the death of citizens by our drones it cost the US 100 million dollars a month. Like it or not, Pakistan is a vital interest. As for a children being murdered, that is happening in Afghanistan every day and Mike Fitzpatrick recently voted to increase our deficit by borrowing more money from China to fund Afghanistan and Iraq war and reconstruction.
    Are you questioning him about that?

  4. Where to begin.

    Well, does the 80K budget to educate on rape and prevention advise women on how to act if a rapist attacks? Will she have to put up a struggle and will her attacker have to have bruises or scars as evidence she put up a fight so when she gets medical care and she asks for the med that will prevent pregnancy she will not be asked if it was forcible? Does his program define forcible? He voted to redefine rape so he should share that information with us.
    Fitzpatrick is on the wrong side of womens issues and why are men making laws that affect women? They cannot possible relate to the problems of women.
    We need a strong woman in the House. We need Boockvar, a woman who is willing to work with others and find common ground as this is what mediators do so well.

  5. Seriously, enough already. A 14 year old girl was shot by the Taliban yesterday in Pakistan for supporting girls schooling. 400 of the girls schools have been destroyed in the last 3 years. THAT is an actual war on women happening in a country that receives a large amount of US funding. What does Boockvar propose to do about that?

  6. This woman is the Democratic version of Santorum. She cannot stop talking about social issues.

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