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Updated: PA-13: Margolies Is In

Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky
Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky

Former Congresswoman Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky will run for Congress. She represented this district for one term in the 1990s.

Update: Her newly-formed campaign made its official announcement Thursday morning.

She said:

My desire to serve today is rooted firmly in the very same belief I held when I first won this seat — a belief in the power of different voices in Congress to make a difference: the voices of a mother and grandmother who today make up less than 20% of Congress; the voice of one who fights to empower women in emerging democracies around the world ‒ leading an international organization that was to become the first to bring Bosnian and Serbian women together and double the number of women in several parliaments in Africa; the voice of an educator and author who has encouraged the next generation of women to seek office and serve. These voices are not better or worse than the voices of those now serving in Congress but they are different. And that difference can make a difference.

WHYY Newsworks was the first to report what appears to be a concerted push by the Margolies team to publicize her FEC filing, set for tomorrow.

Several news outlets cited sources close to the former congresswoman on the announcement. PoliticsPA is seeking comment from Margolies.

Her intent to run has been clear for several weeks. A former adviser, Ken Smukler, set up a 527 committee for her in late April.

She joins several other contenders including activist Dr. Valerie Arkoosh, state Rep. Brendan Boyle (D-Phila) and state Sen. Daylin Leach (D-Montco). \

Margolies cast the deciding vote for President Bill Clinton’s 1993 budget, a vote which is credited for her defeat a year later. Another Clinton connection? His daughter Chelsea married Margolies’ son.

The safe Democratic seat comprises southern Montgomery County and northeast Philadelphia. It is currently represented by Rep. Allyson Schwartz, who is running for Governor.

14 Responses

  1. Val Arkoosh is the right choice. She is a dynamic, smart, woman, physician who has the most energy and the least baggage compared to any of the other candidates.

  2. marjorie margolies does not need to run on the clinton family name. she is impressive in her own right and has been involved in many,many issues in the past 20 years. the people of the 13th district would have a person that not only would stand up for them but someone that they could be very proud to have as their congressperson.

  3. What did she Know and when did she Know it about her Husbands Crimes She went a Very Long Time with him while he was committing his Crimes and did not Leave him until after He went to Prison Did she Benefit from the Fruits Of His Crimes I Think you would have to say Yes as she was still enjoying The Fruits of his Crimes Do The Math

  4. What did she know about her Husbands Crimes also together Her and Her Husband ripped off people who worked on their Home . She Filed Suit against an Airline saying that she got Brain Damage from a suitcase in an Overhead that fell on her Head Do we really want a Congresswoman who admits she has Brain Damage Done we have enough Brain Damaged People in Congress and The US Senate already ? Really Marge its time for you to RETIRE

  5. How is Boyle in over his head? He runs an excellent constituent service for the people in his district. He’s been active in the area, instead of being the unseen mother-in-law to Chelsea Clinton. He’s been actively engaged in the fights for working class people in recent years, while Margolies has bupkus to show for it. Leach is another who has brought something to the table.

  6. Clinton’s will put themselves out there for her. She is part of their family. If she doesn’t win, the Clinton family takes a hit. They don’t want one of their own to lose.

    Boyle is over his head on this one. I don’t know the fascination with him. He is just not ready.

    The favorite is MMM then Leach and finally Boyle.

  7. Do you really think the Clintons are going to put themselves out there for MMM in advance of 16? All the Husband stuff comes out and some prosecutor will leak that they gave her a pass on their misdeeds. It is a tough environment

  8. I know her-AND-she is not too old-not tainted and certainly can stand on her own two feet. She is not running because she is a Clinton In-Law–I’m sure she is running because she has the desire to make the world better, the energy to do it and the background to make it happen. Go Marjorie…

  9. Observer- I agree. Where has she been the last 20 years? The Clinton’s bring star power to the race, but a young, hard working guy with working class roots like Brendan Boyle, a guy who’s the future of the party, not a throwback, can bring the district more energy.

  10. Will the fabulously wealthy and connected Clintons be supporting her?

    Schwartz has the Obama network so this may be Clinton v Obama Redux.

    Chelsea Clinton is married to MMM’s son, Marc Mezvinsky. Vogue Interview 13 August 2012 September
    Hillary Clinton’s $14,000,000 book deal probably financed Chelsea Clinton’s $10,000,000, block long, Manhattan Condominium.
    It pays to be a Democrat: Chelsea Clinton’s $10,000,000, block long, Manhattan condominium. Where did Chelsea Clinton (and Marc Mezvinsky) get the money?

  11. Is the Democratic pool of candidates so shallow that they must continue recycling tainted politicians?

  12. Lets get the facts straight. She lost at the polls not because she voted for the tax increase but because she lied about her intentions just hours beforehand on Action News.

  13. Well considering that she was THE vote that passed Clinton’s budget giving up her seat in the process, I’d say she’s done a lot for the district and the country.

  14. She is just too old. The district and the Congress needs NEW blood, and stronger Progressive voices. What has she done for the last 20 years for her party or her district? Nothing whatsoever. Being a “Friend of Clinton” is NOT a qualification.

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