Vulakovich Goes on TV in SD-40 (Watch Video)

Republican Randy Vulakovich will air the first television ads of the 40th district Senate special election on August 7. The Allegheny County state Rep. faces epidemiologist Dr. Sharon Brown in the contest to fill the seat of convicted ex-Senator Jane Orie.

A consultant close to the campaign characterized the ad buy as, “significant cable” – no broadcast.

The 30 second spot is a cheery, positive bio spot that emphasizes his work in the legislature and his long tenure prior as a local police officer in Shaler Township, Allegheny County. Vulakovich served in the state House since 2007; in November, 2006 he defeated the Democrat who had won the seat of convicted ex-Rep. Jeff Habay in an earlier special election.

“A strong fiscal conservative in the state legislature, he fought wasteful spending and supported policies to create jobs,” says an announcer.

“He led by example refusing the Harrisburg perks such as the per diems and state car. In the State Senate he will enact real reform.”

That he has the resources to go on TV is a statement about the GOP’s determination to hold the seat. Vulakovich finished the 2012 primary with just $1,240 on hand as of May 14 (he was unopposed). But, as campaign finance reports will doubtless show in a few months, the Republican Senate caucus looks after its own.

Brown runs a medical consulting firm and lives in Wexford. PoliticsPA was unable to reach her for comment.

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