Gubernatorial candidate state Senator Scott Wagner (R-York) released his second internal poll of the Republican primary.
Wagner’s campaign commissioned and released the poll by McLaughlin & Associates showing Wagner with a large lead over fellow candidate Paul Mango.
In the latest poll, 45% of Republicans said they would vote for Wagner in a two-way race between him and Mango, up from the 42% in the previous poll. Mango’s numbers went up to 16% from 13%.
The poll also did a poll between Wagner, Mango, and potential candidate Laura Ellsworth. In the three-way race, Wagner got 45%, Mango got 13%, and Ellsworth got 5%.
Internal polls should always be taken with a grain of salt. Campaigns usually commission a complete poll and only release the most favorable results. They are often used to ward off potential challengers, win over donors, and consolidate support within the party early in the election cycle.
PoliticsPA requested a full copy of the poll results.
The poll was conducted by McLaughlin & Associates, survey research and strategic services company based in Alexandria, Virginia. The poll surveyed 400 likely Republican voters, between September 18th and 20th. The margin of error is plus or minus 4.9 percent.
31 Responses
Joke. A poll 15 months out that counts votes because of Trump. By then either he will be in jail or we will all be dead
Interesting poll numbers… Looking closely at the details of Wagner’s poll one has to wonder if it was intentional to exclude an important segment of voters during a holy holiday based upon previous hot water Wagner got himself into?
You must not be much of a sleuth considering this poll wasn’t even conducted during the holiday. Good try though, if I was supporting a candidate as terrible as Paul Mango I’d probably make up lies to explain terrible poll numbers too.
Shrillary relied upon polls to her dismay.
When people compare Paul Mango with scotty, they will quickly see what Paul is made of. This Airborne Ranger and scholar will make scotty cry if scotty ever has the guts to face him.
Paul Mango has a heart toward the citizen, an ear toward our concerns, and the character to make it happen. Get ready for Pennsylvania to move into the future. Paul Mango can and will get this commonwealth running on all eight cylinders. I can honestly say that his vision, decisiveness, and experience will drive us forward into the type of future we will all be proud to be a part of.
Cannot wait until the first debate.
scotty will turn beat redder, stumble, and be embarrassingly outclassed, out planned, and his limits will be laid bare for all to see. Although Paul Mango will remain a gentleman, I pity scotty.
Paul, I’m glad you’re optimistic about your campaign, because no one else is.
Oh joy another made up poll! We saw how those fake polls worked for Hillary not!
Paul Mango is a man with strong integrity and has the leadership skills to turn Pa around. I’ve met both candidates. Paul Mango has my vote!
Ahahaha. Wagner is such a joke. Pays for poll, pays for endorsement, pays for bannons plane ride, pays to shut up his ex wife, probably paid his way out of that assault last year. We have the internet wagner. This type of shenanigans doesnt fly anymore. Just stick to your govt subsidized trash work. We dont want you anywhere near the Governors office.
Based on this comment thread it looks like Paul Mango has been taking lessons from Justin Simmons. Paul: maybe if you spent less time commenting on Politics PA articles you wouldn’t be getting your butt handed to you!
Get lost rino, nonire cronies. The citizens are taking back the state and the country and we will route out every rino establishment repub on the way. Didnt you all get the memo the jig is up?
It’s really noble how you’re trying to spin Mango’s absolute lack of appeal to any voting base whatsoever as him being the “outsider”. There’s no doubt who the MAGA candidate is, ask Steve Bannon (hint, it’s not rino Paul)
Vote Paul Mango! A proven Leader! Scott Wagner, you can not buy the Governors Mansion!
Vote Paul Mango! A guy who can’t be bothered to vote, donate or even feign interest in voters! What a joke. I’d vote for big-ears Turzai before I’d vote for pathetic Paul.
Did wagz give you that tagline. Also 300k to repubs. Pro bono work, oh and he served his country. Also doesnt assault his own children ir strangers ir steal or bribe. Want me to go on rino?
A Mango supporter calling a Wagner supporter a rino? That’s cute. Maybe you forgot the part when Wagner has been getting Republicans elected for years and Mango just decided to get politically active with his check book this year. Hmm, curious how it lines up with his first run for office. And you want to say Wagner bribes people? Embarrassing.
You are the only person on here who has anything positive to say about Wagner. Keynote, the repubs he’s been getting voted in are establishment cronies. We are done with the establishment. Wagner is a scumbag. Beat up his own daughter. Get a clue Mark.
TiredofCronies, you’re exposing your ignorance. Wagner has been fighting a war with the establishment since the day he got in! He won his seat with a write in campaign, against an establishment republican. I’m sorry your candidate is so terrible you have no choice but to lie to try to get him elected. Maybe poor little paul should save his money and work on becoming a likable person before the next cycle.
People say they smell sulpher when they are around him. I ask them what does that mean? They told me the Devil is in the room!
Glad Wagner is giving up his senatorial status to lose at his governor run. A win win all the way around! We have real candidate running against Wagner, Paul Mango, check him out!!
Watching the two gubernatorial candidates together the other day, there is no comparison. One (Mango) is a natural pearl, while the other (Wagner) is a cheap painted glass imitation. We the People, see you for who you are Wagner. Create your polls and massage your bruised ego, but you will lose November 2018.
So you agree he’ll win the primary? Since he’s going to lose in November. You are quite a pearl.
Ha! Even the Mango faithfuls know he’s going to get blown out by Wagner in May!
Wagner…those lying polls didn’t work for Hillary anymore than they will work for you! Mango all the way!
No way, Mr. Wagner. I wouldn’t vote for a crook like you if it was my only option. MY city of Philadelphia has suffered under loony lefties and establishment goons like you for too long. We need some fresh blood in the game. Our children are dying. As a Baptist, I need someone with strong a Christian character as a leader. Not someone like you.
From the most recent Franklin and Marshall Poll:
Favorable Unfavorable Undecided
strong somewhat str smwht
SCOTT WAGNER Sep 2017 3% 5% 3% 6% 8% 77%
Huh? Not so hot, eh Scotty?
Wagner is a crony who thinks he can buy his way into and out of everything. This guy has a history of assault, the moral fiber of a thief, and he honestly thinks attending West Point is a demerit against his opponent. Everything about him is fake, inflated, and dishonest. PA needs real leadership with real ideas. Not a blowhard like this who has to pay for any favorable coverage. Why are his divorce records sealed? Why did his daughter file a PFA against him? Why did he donate a large sum of money to the DA of his county right after he assaulted a tracker and stole their SD card? He is a scumbag.
I wonder why he didn’t release any numbers against Wolf… probably doesn’t want the primary voters to see how bad ol Tommy Wolf is beating him.
Wagner is a dangerous. Wagner is ineffective. Wagner is an insider.
When will Scott Wagner come out and condemn his friend Mike Regan’s misuse of government resources? [Redacted for violation of comment policy].
[Redacted for violation of comment policy].
Hmm, why would the master take the food away from his pets? We see them, too.
I bet he is. He has been running for like 2 years already. This guy is a weirdo. Please don’t let him have a twitter.