David Wecht, Judge on the Superior Court of Pennsylvania, has unveiled a list of new endorsements from a variety of labor unions and bar associations in his campaign for Pennsylvania Supreme Court.
Endorsements for Wecht include the Pennsylvania Bar association, IBEW, and the Pennsylvania AFL-CIO.
Wecht said that his “campaign for Supreme Court, like my time on the bench, has always been about fairness and justice for all. My vision is a transparent Supreme Court that recognizes at its core the values of working families and understands what it means to put on a uniform to protect and serve our communities. I am honored by the early endorsements of labor, law enforcement and our firefighters for our campaign and view them as reflections of my commitment to this vision.”
Wecht is a graduate of Yale Law School and a member of the American Law Institute.
The full list of endorsements is below:
Pennsylvania Bar Association (“Highly Recommended”)*
Allegheny County Bar Association (“Highly Recommended”)*
Allegheny County Labor Council
Greater Pennsylvania Regional Council of Carpenters- Keystone Lakes Regional Council
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (I.B.E.W.) Local Union No. 5
Painters and Allied Trades District Council 57
Pennsylvania AFL-CIO
Pennsylvania Building Trades
Pennsylvania American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council 13
AFSCME District Council 47
Pennsylvania Conference of Teamsters
Pennsylvania Teamsters Joint Council 40
Fraternal Order of Police Fort Pitt Lodge (City of Pittsburgh)
Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 91 (Allegheny County)
Pittsburgh Professional Firefighters (Local 1, International Association of Firefighters)
*Bar associations give ratings to candidates instead of endorsements. “Highly recommended” is the highest such rating although it is not technically an endorsement.
7 Responses
I will vote for WECHT DONAHUE AND WOODRUFF. No way will I contribute to allowing Johnny Doc having access to a Supreme Court justice. Anyone connected to this fool will only further embarrass the Democratic Party; it’s inevitable. It’s bad enough he will be Mayor of Philadelphia. Armegeddon has arrived
Wecht talks
about having adjudicated over 400 cases last year in Superior Court. That should not be perceived as working hard as to the real reason. He knew he was going to run for State Supreme Court and he didn’t want all those unfinished cases to be on his record. When is Pennsylvania going to stop electing judges because of their family names. Many of our Judges are second and even third generation Judges.
We need to elect the most qualified Judges at every level. The family name should not be one of the qualifications for being a Judge.
So obviously there is a problem with this uninformed judge, If he has this many endorsements, I think there is a reason and it is not good. I agree with justofer – court needs to choose cases wisely. I will not vote for Wecht.
Justofer clearly gets his jurisprudential information by way of Daily Caller and Fox News. High volumes of information, and all of it dead wrong.
The Supreme Court is not a clearing house–they argue cases that will provide precedence going forward. If the case doesn’t fit that bill, it’s not on the agenda. So, therefore, more is not better. The Superior Court, on which Wecht has a hard time keeping up with his peers, must take every case that is presented to them. The Supreme Court operates in a different manner. The candidates running for a seat on the Supreme Court should be aware of what they are getting in to. Hope this is helpful to you and your gang of low information voters.
Justofer: Explain please for low information voters, if the Supreme Court exercises “discretionary review” in PA, why it is not in a position to hear more cases, at its discretion.
This is the guy that wanted the Supreme Court to “take more cases”. He clearly doesn’t understand how the Supreme Court operates. I don’t care who endorses him. He is a candidate for the low information voters.