What We Know In Remaining House Races

PA State House map

Since 2010, the Pennsylvania State House of Representatives have had a Republican majority.

Today, November 15, Democrats are one victory away from wresting that back from the GOP.

A pair of House races – one in Bucks County and the other in Montgomery County – have not been decided and their outcomes will determine the balance of power in the chamber.

Here is what we know:

HD142: Republican Joe Hogan leads Democrat Mark Moffa by 114 votes. As of Thursday, there are approximately 156 segregated mail-in/absentee ballots, 275 provisional ballots and 32 military/overseas ballots are from precincts within that district, according to County spokesperson James O’Malley.

The Bucks County Board of Election met earlier today to vote on the approval of mail ballots with issues, as well as provisional ballots. The Board rejected 79 mail ballots without a signature, 215 undated and 153 incorrectly dated ballots, 492 ballots that were submitted without a secrecy envelope and 59 more that had identifiable marks on their ballot. Another 25-30 miscellaneous ballots that had issues from being from counties other than Bucks to having nothing in the secrecy envelopes were also rejected. Finally, about 200 provisional ballots out of the 1,500 reviewed by Board of Elections Director Tom Freitag were rejected by the board.

The board took public comment from about 15 Bucks County residents who urged them to count every vote and not reject due to technical issues or human error.

O’Malley is not expecting any release of votes today. The board will meet again at 10 a.m. Thursday to review another 1,600 provisional ballots.

HD151: Six-term Republican incumbent Todd Stephens currently leads Democratic challenger Melissa Cerrato by 12 votes out of over 33,300 ballots cast. According to County spokesperson Kelly Cofrancisco, there are currently 334 outstanding ballots in the 151st – 49 awaiting ID verification, 249 provisional and 36 military/overseas ballots.

Cofrancisco is not expecting any release of votes today. A final decision on the provisional ballots will be made by the Montco Election Board on Friday at 12:30 p.m.

3 Responses

  1. Make sure you investigate how shapiro and Fetterman cheated!!! They had help from soros!!! We want a new fair election

    1. Soros was not available to cheat. He is in a billionaire bowling league and was out of the country this Fall.

  • Did The Presidential Debate Change Your Vote?

    • No. Still Voting For Trump (35%)
    • Yes. Now Voting For Trump (32%)
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    Total Voters: 267

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