White House Suggests President Obama Will Campaign in PA This Fall

Barack+Obama+President+Obama+CampaignsWith Labor Day around the corner, you should expect campaigning to ramp up and one of the chief signs of that particular phenomenon is the arrival of surrogates.

Certainly no surrogate draws more attention (positive or negative) than the President of the United States.

Given President Obama’s current approval ratings and the historical record of the President’s party suffering midterm losses, how much time the Commander-in-Chief planned to spend on the stump this fall has been a major question.

A report in Politico, however, suggests that the President will be visiting a number of blue states this fall, including Pennsylvania.

“The White House is putting the finishing touches on a post-Labor Day schedule that will send the president to states where he’s still popular, such as: Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Illinois and California, Obama officials and Democratic operatives said this week,” according to Politico.

“The better, more effective use of his time is to assist in states with key House races, such as Illinois, Pennsylvania and California, a senior administration official said,” the report explains. “Obama still retains strong support in the Democratic base, and he can motivate African-Americans and Latinos like few others can.”

Two key questions remain: Who will appear with the President on the campaign trail and will his support help them?

The most obvious candidate is gubernatorial nominee Tom Wolf.

It remains to be seen whether the President’s presence would benefit him. Pres. Obama’s approval in the latest F&M poll stands at just 34% yet he did win this state twice.

On top of this, the Corbett campaign recently made clear they intend to portray Wolf as a “third term” for Barack Obama.

Meanwhile, a spokesman from the DCCC told PoliticsPA that he is not aware of any scheduled events at this time.

“Republicans like Mike Fitzpatrick and Ryan Costello are desperate to make this election about anything but their out of touch priorities because they know Pennsylvania voters will reject their agenda that stacks the deck in favor of the ultra wealthy and special interests by shifting the burden onto hard working middle class families and seniors,” Marc Brumer of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee said.

3 Responses

  1. Corbett read this news today and decided to give an extra large donation to the offering. After all, what else do you call Obama campaigning in PA besides divine intervention?

  2. Can’t imagine Air Force One landing in Philadelphia to support Chaka Fattah.

    The Republican is an indictment away from making history. And he’s running like he actually has a shot.

    It would seem that no Democrat in their right mind would vote for Fattah right now. But it is Philadelphia.

    The challenger has a chance to show them an alternative in him.



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