Short answer: everyone. It was a beautiful weekend for the St. Patrick’s Day parade in Pittsburgh. But sunny skies or not, VP Joe Biden and Gov. Tom Corbett took their share of grief from the crowd.
The Republican National Committee posted the above clip of a WPXI news report showing Biden getting cheered and booed, and this morning forwarded to reporters links of three stories about their video (Fox News, Washington Examiner, & Hot Air).
Meanwhile, the Pa. Democrats noted Corbett’s reaction from the crowd by highlighting a series of tweets about it from parade-goers including @jacklumanog: “Gov. Corbett just came by in the #StPatricksDayparade and got booed. Politics… #Pittsburgh #pgh”
They included similar tweets from @NUNYAMAN, @nncypttr, and @eprjosh.
The moral of the story: if you’re a prominent politician visiting a public event in Pittsburgh, plan to have thick skin.
7 Responses
@gs – @ LeKeisha is trying very hard to be funny and sarcastic – I think “she” is actually one of yours and is trying to make fun of stereotypical welfare queens that the Republicans like to talk about. Remember, there are more whites on welfare than any other ethnic group!
@gs Hey gs…go try and create some. We gave you 700 Billion dollars added to the deficit because of it. “We have to have those tax cuts”, you kept saying…Where’s that teabagger jobs bill?
@ LaKeisha….Try getting a job…We the taxpayers are tired of paying your way!!!
I was at the parade. Corbett got a few boos, but in the City of Pittsburgh, he did very well. He got a lot of cheers as well.
As for VP Biden… I think people were a little unhappier with him.
I’m wif Mr. Diano. People shuold have voted Arlen Spector as govenor. He has a good welfare polocy.
What we gettin now isnt enough!!!
If Corbett doesn’t like seeing people boo him, he can just close his eyes.