Who Should Be The Majority Party in the PA House on Jan. 3?

The battle for majority party leadership in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives reminds me lately of a Roger Federer vs. Novak Djokovic match at Wimbledon.

Back and forth. Come to the net. Retreat to the baseline.

Was that a winner? Let’s go to the replay.

Democrats won 102 of 203 contests in the November election. Republicans will seat 101 members come January 3, while Dems can only seat 98 after a death and two resignations.

You’ve read the machinations going on in Harrisburg. Now we want to know what you think.

Who should be the majority party in the PA House on January 3?

Poll closes at noon on Monday. Have a great weekend.


Who Should Be The Majority Party In The PA House On Jan. 3?

  • Republicans. It's Simple Math. (47%)
  • Democrats. We Won 102 Contests. (45%)
  • My head hurts. Let the courts decide. (8%)

Total Voters: 144

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6 Responses

  1. The special elections need to be held without delay. The only valid reason for a delay is for Bryan Cutler to wield power other than that he needs to go back to the back bench and assume his sidekick role in state government.

  2. Rs doing a Catch 22 to hold up special elections and cling to a fake majority in order to disenfranchise PA voters AGAIN. The Fake Elector party only knows how to ignore voters.

  3. How long will this GOP “majority leader” last? Only until the Dems win the special elections or for the entire 2-year legislative session? Important to know because one way sounds fair and the other way is ridiculous.

  4. Democrats aren’t in the majority. It doesn’t matter how many seats they won. If they win the special election then they can hold the majority.

    1. If they held a new Speaker vote after the special elections, that could be fine. But as I understand it, they’re picking Speaker for the whole of the next 2 years

      What matters is what voters chose. 102/203 times, they said “I want the Dems.” The majority choice, as expressed in the electoral process, was a Democratic House. The 2023-2025 Speaker vote can only be 99/101 if the voters in three districts just stop mattering.

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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