Wolf Votes to Ban Fracking in Delaware River Basin

Governor Tom Wolf voted along with Delaware Governor John Carney, and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo in voting to permanently ban fracking in the Delaware River Basin.  

“Today, we are acting to protect a watershed that supplies drinking water to more than 15 million people in one of the most densely populated areas of the country,” Wolf said in a release announcing the vote.  

“I have supported this resolution since I was a candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania, and I am proud that we have worked collaboratively to move this process forward after almost a decade of work at the DRBC.”

Edit: New Jersey Governor Chris Christie abstained from the vote.  The Army Corps of Engineers voted against the resolution.

The vote will likely become an issue during the Gubernatorial election next year, as Republicans have consistently supported fracking across Pennsylvania.

5 Responses

  1. I live in the Susquehanna River basin. My loved ones are entitled to the same protections from #fracking which led to the ban in a different watershed. Science doesn’t change when cross a mountain ridge. Fracking is either bad enough to warrant protection from, or those in this one special watershed should have to be exposed to it. Pick one, or explain the logic.

  2. Don’t be fooled. They’re proposing fewer protections than are in place under the moratorium. It’s a ridiculous proposal that allows water extraction, natural gas storage, and waste disposal in the Basin.

  3. He better vote that way, after the story came out yesterday that he was willing to deal away the fracking ban in return for a severance tax. Timely reporting by the Harrisburg NPR outlet.

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