It was a good week for Bucks County Rep. Patrick Murphy, whose Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act was signed into law by President Obama at a White House ceremony. That, and he charmed the pants off of the Morning Joe crew (Mika even called him cute) and took the sleepy WH press corps in stride.
Penn Future and the Commonwealth Foundation need to take it down a notch. Sure, they disagree on, well, everything, but the mudslinging between the two organizations has become little more than a playground fight. With everything on Pennsylvania’s plate right now, these guys should be focused on policy, not dueling press releases.
Remember Jane, Judith and Joan? The Orie sisters are back, ordered to trial this week on charges of conspiracy, theft of services and ethics violations. And the story just keeps getting weirder. The sisters met with a clairvoyant (around a cauldron, perhaps?) for insight, and are starting to resemble characters from Bill Cardille’s Chiller Theatre (for those of you who watched Channel 11 in Pittsburgh years ago).
If you haven’t yet, be sure to liste to comedian Joe Conklin’s impression of Mayor Michael Nutter (from Philly’s WIP). Not too bad.
It’s also not a good sign for the Mayor, whose approval ratings have certainly seen better days.
Attacked over the airwaves for his positions on Israel, health care, and more, Democrat Joe Sestak keeps fighting to get the ads off the air. Fair or unfair, doesn’t this just draw more attention to issues that Sestak wants to avoid?
I remember Chilly Billy – great show!
I think the article on the Ories was mean-spirited and frankly I had hoped you would not stoop to National Enquirer tablod tripe re the image you create re use of a psychic with the sisters around a cauldron. You would have been better served by simply putting them in the Down column and report the legal development instead of the sideshow you chose. Understand I like what you do but feel that your writer went over the line in pursuit of a cheap punch line.