Mike Kelly: You’re Number 21!

Freshman Rep, Mike Kelly (R-Butler) is the 21st richest member of Congress, according to financial disclosure forms compiled by Roll Call. He’s the only member of Congress from Pa. to make the list.

The organization list his family’s minimum net worth at $14.94 million.

Congress has 535 voting members. The wealth is bipartisan: 31 of the 50 on the list are Republicans, while 7 of the top 10 are Democrats.

Kelly rode the GOP wave in 2010 over incumbent Democrat Kathy Dahlkemper. This year, he faces Missa Eaton, a professor of psychology at Penn State-Shenango. At the end of the 2nd quarter, she reported having $21,000 on hand to Kelly’s $389,000.

Here’s Roll Call’s write-up on Kelly:

Kelly saw his minimum net worth increase to $14.95 million.

The first-term Pennsylvania Republican owns three car dealerships in his home state. A Cadillac dealership has a reported value of $1 million to $5 million, a Hyundai dealership is worth at least $15,000, and Mike Kelly Automotive is worth $50,000 to $100,000, according to his most recent filing.

The bulk of Kelly’s reported wealth comes from dozens of funds, bonds and stocks his spouse, Victoria Kelly, has in an investment portfolio worth more than $13 million.

Victoria Kelly sold stock in the natural gas companies Phillips Resources Inc. and TWP Inc. that was worth at least $10 million sometime during 2011.

Kelly’s only reported liability is a mortgage of $1 million to $5 million on a Butler County, Pa., property that is listed with the same value as an asset.

8 Responses

  1. mike kelly is a do nothing congressman he has NO
    town hall/or any meetings he has accomplished nothing provides
    no service to anyone now he supports trump and anything fox tells him he does have a few stooges who gives testomony {lies supplied
    by kelly} the bigges fraud in the house

  2. Congressman Kelly is one of the most well-spoken, honest and sincere men I have ever known. He worked at his father’s car dealership, earned a degree at a University where he was recruited to play football, but because of injuries, did not play past his junior year. If the left leaning commenters (especially well documented in western Pennsylvania) would actually review his impact in Congress and research how well-respected he is, your myopia might be corrected – whether you want to or not!

  3. Congressman Kelly is one of the most well-spoken, honest and sincere men I have ever known. He worked at his father’s car dealership, earned a degree at a University where he was recruited to play football, but because of injuries, did not play past his junior year. If the left leaning commenters (especially well documented in western Pennsylvania) would actually review his impact in Congress and research how well-respected he is, your myopia might be corrected – whether you want to or not!

  4. Kelly was never employed in his life.Like Romney,and Bush 2, he had it all handed to him.The man has been a do nothing Tea Party joke in Washington,and considered one of the dumbest members of the insane class of 2010.He and Romney should take a long Cadillac ride across the country after they both loose in November.But Kelly is to poor for him to associate with I’m sure.

  5. How dare this man make money. God forbid more people attempt to do such a thing. Best to stay unemployed.

  6. Um, how is hiding it in offshore accounts? Given that that the report shows their US based funds owned by his wife. He’s not doing a very good job of hiding it given it shows up on public FEC reports.

    If the guys family is worth 15 million, at least you know he’s not running for office because he needs a job. Too many bums in office now that can’t do a real job.

  7. Straight out of central casting: Mike Kelly, Used Car Salesman. He tries to put out that he’s a Middle Class average Joe but hiding his $15 Million off shore accounts. Sleezy

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