Shuster Focuses on Jobs in Weekly Republican Address

Rep. Bill Shuster (R-Blair) gave the Weekly Republican Address on Saturday. Shuster, who is the Chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, stressed the importance of job creation through government projects.

“When you entrust Republicans with the majority in the house, we pledge to do some simple things, important things,” Shuster said. “Number one, focus on jobs. Two, change the culture to make government more accountable to you.”

“Republicans have turned the page on the old ways, he continued. “We’re setting hard deadlines and costs limited. We’re cutting out the outdated projects, unnecessary bureaucracy, and there are absolutely no earmarks. Taken together, these things mean breaking down barriers to the worthy projects that can be the pride of our economy and our country. This is progress.”

In terms of specific policy, Shuster spoke about the proposed Water Resources Reform and Development Act, which is awaiting presidential approval after passing the House in October. Schuster introduced the bill and said it “is designed to improve the ports, harbors, and waterways.”

“At its core is a foundation for long-term job growth,” Shuster explained. “Without reform, our water infrastructure becomes more obsolete by the day. That means the cost of doing business in America rises, other countries close the gap, and we become less competitive.”

While the Weekly Republican Address does not generate much media attention, it is considered an honor to be selected to give the speech. Additionally, the address gives members of Congress, like Shuster, opportunities to speak about underrepresented issues they feel to be important.

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