5/22 Morning Buzz

Might this be the only time we use this graphic in 2012?

Good morning politicos, here’s the Buzz. Looks like we have the signs of an early budget agreement. Republican leadership in the PA House and Senate each said $27.6 bil was the target figure, and June 13 was the target date.

Orie Senate Seat: What’s Next: Convicted on 14 counts, Jane Orie resigned her state Senate seat today. Lt. Gov. Jim Cawley has 10 days to call a special election in the seat, but redistricting might complicate things.

New Romney Ad Won’t Air in PA (Watch Video): It’s a question that every voter will ask come November. What would a Romney Presidency be like? That is precisely what Romney for President’s new campaign ad explains in their new ad entitled “Day One.”

Kane Dings GOP Over VAWA: Kathleen Kane kept women’s issues front and center for her campaign today. In an email to supporters, she criticized Republicans for passing a watered down version of the Violence Against Women Act.

Morning Call: Using Pittsburgh man, Obama campaign presses Bain attack
AP: THE RACE: Obama and Romney fight over budget goals
The New York Times: As uncapped super-PAC donations grow, the campaign landscape changes
Indiana Gazette: NATO plans end to war in Afghanistan
AP: Obama stands by hits on Romney’s Bain Capital Days
Tribune Washington Bureau: Supreme Court considers taking up anti-terror laws
AP: Romney, US Sen. Brown play down past connections
AP: Is GOP trying to sabotage economy to hurt Obama?
AP: Romney to raise about $10 million in NY, Conn.
Inquirer: Obama presses Bain attacks
Philadelphia Tribune: U.S. needs “3rd Way” to fight drugs
Fox Philadelphia: Dick Cheney to raise money for Mitt Romney
Fox Philadelphia: Twipolitico site analyzes political Tweets
Fox Philadelphia: Obama campaign launches new attack on Romney’s Bain record

Tribune-Review: Remap of Pa. legislative districts is slow going
Tribune-Review: GOP lawmakers say schools should spend reserves before raising taxes
Post-Gazette: McCandless Republican Jane Orie resigns from Pa. Senate
Post-Gazette: Gov. Corbett adds pension reform to budget agenda
Early Returns: Shuster: Chairmanship, reelect on way
Early Returns: State budget day = June 13?
PhillyNow: Dr. Jill Stein wins PA Green Party Caucus
AP: Pa. House panel backs Senate budget on party lines
AP: Trial judge will decide if DeWeese remains on bail
AP: Future pension benefits of Pa. public workers eyed
AP: Trial judge will decide if DeWeese will remain on bail
Philadelphia Tribune: Statewide gay drive for Obama to begin
AP: Convicted Pa. Sen. Orie submits resignation

KYW Newsradio: Corbett to schools: spend more reserve cash
PhillyNow: Daily Grinder: Taxpayer dollars going toward Tastykake parties
WHYY Newsworks: Pa. lawmakers displeased over school district reserves

Post-Gazette: Waivers could OK drilling near water
Early Returns: Horse racing the 19th Ward

Harrisburg Patriot News: Marcellus Shale Coalition tout’s industry’s success in Pennsylvania at Capitol Rally

Citizens Voice: House to vote on unemployment claim benefit dipping

Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: Using Pittsburgh man, Obama campaign presses Bain attack
WFMZ: Farmers fear cuts in funding for farmland preservation in Pa.

The Times-Tribune: Nominations Long overdue; fill benches
Tribune-Review: Obama’s coal crock: He’s no friend
Tribune-Review: Border Tales
Altoona Mirror: Rev up action on speed limit
Wayne Independent: How should government make money?
Centre Daily Times: Op-ed – Government yet to catch up with voters’ sense of entitlement
Lancaster Intelligencer: Politicians take sides on payday loan bill
Courier Times Op-ed: Democratic Party returns to class warfare
Inquirer Editorial: ‘I got this’ video had more than one message
Inquirer Editorial: Payday loan bill invites greed
Daily News Op-ed: To our Congresspeople: Make community, not war

Keystone State Education Coalition: PA Charter Schools: $4 billion taxpayer dollars with no real oversight
John Geeting: It’s the Prices
John Geeting: Checking In on the Rental Boom, Cont’d
John Geeting: Housing Consumers Willing to Pay a Premium for Walkability
2 Political Junkies: ALEC In The News…
Pennsylvania Progressive: News & Notes May 21, 2012
Pennsylvania Progressive: Uncompensated Care Costs Rise at PA Hospitals
Keystone Politics: Where the Real Corrections Savings Are
Keystone Politics: Uncompensated Care Costs Rise After GOP Ends adultBasic
Keystone Politics: Is PA a Swing State?
Keystone Politics: Bad Time for School Districts to Be Hoarding Cash
Keystone Politics: That Time Judge Orie-Melvin Tried to Silence the Proto-Bloggers
Keystone Politics: Americans Heading Back to the City
Keystone Politics: HB 1776 Is Our Best Shot at Equal Spending Per Student
John Hanger: BP Moves Forward With Big PA Wind Farm: $300 Million Investment
John Hanger: A Few Environmentalists Cheer 2 PA Wind Farm Cancellations, Even Though More Pollution Is The Result
Lehigh Valley Ramblings : Last Week’s NIZ News at a Glance
Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Morning Call Displays Its Pro-NIZ Bias

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