Good morning politicos, here’s the Buzz. Looks like we have the signs of an early budget agreement. Republican leadership in the PA House and Senate each said $27.6 bil was the target figure, and June 13 was the target date.
Orie Senate Seat: What’s Next: Convicted on 14 counts, Jane Orie resigned her state Senate seat today. Lt. Gov. Jim Cawley has 10 days to call a special election in the seat, but redistricting might complicate things.
New Romney Ad Won’t Air in PA (Watch Video): It’s a question that every voter will ask come November. What would a Romney Presidency be like? That is precisely what Romney for President’s new campaign ad explains in their new ad entitled “Day One.”
Kane Dings GOP Over VAWA: Kathleen Kane kept women’s issues front and center for her campaign today. In an email to supporters, she criticized Republicans for passing a watered down version of the Violence Against Women Act.
Morning Call: Using Pittsburgh man, Obama campaign presses Bain attack
AP: THE RACE: Obama and Romney fight over budget goals
The New York Times: As uncapped super-PAC donations grow, the campaign landscape changes
Indiana Gazette: NATO plans end to war in Afghanistan
AP: Obama stands by hits on Romney’s Bain Capital Days
Tribune Washington Bureau: Supreme Court considers taking up anti-terror laws
AP: Romney, US Sen. Brown play down past connections
AP: Is GOP trying to sabotage economy to hurt Obama?
AP: Romney to raise about $10 million in NY, Conn.
Inquirer: Obama presses Bain attacks
Philadelphia Tribune: U.S. needs “3rd Way” to fight drugs
Fox Philadelphia: Dick Cheney to raise money for Mitt Romney
Fox Philadelphia: Twipolitico site analyzes political Tweets
Fox Philadelphia: Obama campaign launches new attack on Romney’s Bain record
Tribune-Review: Remap of Pa. legislative districts is slow going
Tribune-Review: GOP lawmakers say schools should spend reserves before raising taxes
Post-Gazette: McCandless Republican Jane Orie resigns from Pa. Senate
Post-Gazette: Gov. Corbett adds pension reform to budget agenda
Early Returns: Shuster: Chairmanship, reelect on way
Early Returns: State budget day = June 13?
PhillyNow: Dr. Jill Stein wins PA Green Party Caucus
AP: Pa. House panel backs Senate budget on party lines
AP: Trial judge will decide if DeWeese remains on bail
AP: Future pension benefits of Pa. public workers eyed
AP: Trial judge will decide if DeWeese will remain on bail
Philadelphia Tribune: Statewide gay drive for Obama to begin
AP: Convicted Pa. Sen. Orie submits resignation
KYW Newsradio: Corbett to schools: spend more reserve cash
PhillyNow: Daily Grinder: Taxpayer dollars going toward Tastykake parties
WHYY Newsworks: Pa. lawmakers displeased over school district reserves
Post-Gazette: Waivers could OK drilling near water
Early Returns: Horse racing the 19th Ward
Harrisburg Patriot News: Marcellus Shale Coalition tout’s industry’s success in Pennsylvania at Capitol Rally
Citizens Voice: House to vote on unemployment claim benefit dipping
Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: Using Pittsburgh man, Obama campaign presses Bain attack
WFMZ: Farmers fear cuts in funding for farmland preservation in Pa.
The Times-Tribune: Nominations Long overdue; fill benches
Tribune-Review: Obama’s coal crock: He’s no friend
Tribune-Review: Border Tales
Altoona Mirror: Rev up action on speed limit
Wayne Independent: How should government make money?
Centre Daily Times: Op-ed – Government yet to catch up with voters’ sense of entitlement
Lancaster Intelligencer: Politicians take sides on payday loan bill
Courier Times Op-ed: Democratic Party returns to class warfare
Inquirer Editorial: ‘I got this’ video had more than one message
Inquirer Editorial: Payday loan bill invites greed
Daily News Op-ed: To our Congresspeople: Make community, not war
Keystone State Education Coalition: PA Charter Schools: $4 billion taxpayer dollars with no real oversight
John Geeting: It’s the Prices
John Geeting: Checking In on the Rental Boom, Cont’d
John Geeting: Housing Consumers Willing to Pay a Premium for Walkability
2 Political Junkies: ALEC In The News…
Pennsylvania Progressive: News & Notes May 21, 2012
Pennsylvania Progressive: Uncompensated Care Costs Rise at PA Hospitals
Keystone Politics: Where the Real Corrections Savings Are
Keystone Politics: Uncompensated Care Costs Rise After GOP Ends adultBasic
Keystone Politics: Is PA a Swing State?
Keystone Politics: Bad Time for School Districts to Be Hoarding Cash
Keystone Politics: That Time Judge Orie-Melvin Tried to Silence the Proto-Bloggers
Keystone Politics: Americans Heading Back to the City
Keystone Politics: HB 1776 Is Our Best Shot at Equal Spending Per Student
John Hanger: BP Moves Forward With Big PA Wind Farm: $300 Million Investment
John Hanger: A Few Environmentalists Cheer 2 PA Wind Farm Cancellations, Even Though More Pollution Is The Result
Lehigh Valley Ramblings : Last Week’s NIZ News at a Glance
Lehigh Valley Ramblings: Morning Call Displays Its Pro-NIZ Bias