Houlahan Named to DCCC’s ‘Red to Blue’ Program

Chrissy Houlahan, who is running to challenge Congressman Ryan Costello (R-Chester) next year, was added to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee’s ‘Red to Blue’ program, a program that highlights Democratic candidates.

“An Air Force veteran and executive, Chrissy Houlahan has spent her life in the business and nonprofit sectors working to create jobs and give back to her community,” DCCC Chairman Ben Ray Luján said.

The DCCC also highlighted Houlahan’s business experience as part of their support.  

“As an executive at AND1, Chrissy helped grow the company to approximately $250 million in revenue and created more than 250 jobs in the Philadelphia area. …  It’s clear why she’s been able to build one of the strongest campaigns in the country,” Luján said.

The list is not an endorsement from the DCCC, but rather a way to highlight candidates who are putting together campaigns well and hiring professional staff to run help run it.  Being named to lists like this often give outside groups the signal to invest in candidates added to them.  

Being added to the list also gives candidates access to candidate training, strategic guidance, and fundraising support for candidates to continue to build their campaigns.  

8 Responses

  1. I heard she’ll be doing an appearance with fellow sweatshop master Kathy Lee Gifford next week.

    1. Kathy Lee would run circles around Houlahan. Chrissy doesn’t have the energy, excitement or charm of Kathy. The Houlahan train is off the tracks before it started. Moving American Jobs overseas is pretty bad, but then the labor abuses on top of that is enough for me to honestly think she should drop out of the race.

  2. Apparently the DCCC doesn’t care that she ran a sweatshop in China where the employees were fed pig slop.

    1. They don’t care one damned bit!

      They wanna take back the U.S. House of Representatives, at least, and the Senate if possible, to #Impeach45.

      They wanna hold the moniker of the impeachment of Donald Trump over Trump, to then build on that moniker for 2020 to get Joe Biden elected; BOTTOM LINE!

  3. “I Support Houlahan!” Shirts, pants, shoes and other running apparel are available for purchase. All proceeds go to support future Congresswoman Houlahan. *made in China. Workers fueled by pig slop.
    Inventory going faster than sweatshop worker’s rights and dognity!

  4. Nancy Pelosi and Chrissy Houlahan. One is an extreme socialist liberal born and raised in California who profited off of sweatshops and shipping thousands of jobs overseas and the other is the Minority Leader. I’m an independent that leans R, but there is no way in heck I could ever vote for this candidate, who very obviously has more than a few skeletons in her closet. Send her back to California to hangout with Nancy.

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