Kasich: Trump Spreading Lies about PA Ballot

Kasich-TrumpWith a challenge to his ballot petitions sitting in the PA Commonwealth Court, GOP presidential candidate John Kasich now has to contend with Donald Trump, after the frontrunner popped into the brewing controversy using his Twitter feed.

In a 25-word message to his large online following, the GOP surprise-of-the-century said Kasich should not be allowed to run in Ohio on Tuesday, since he “cannot run in the state of Pennsylvania” – a move with shadows of Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’s political calculations on the night of the Iowa caucuses.

The Kasich campaign called Trump’s tweet “the same kind of dishonest, underhanded tactic” that the Cruz campaign used when telling Ben Carson’s supporters the neurosurgeon was getting out of the race. Cruz later apologized to Carson.

Kasich campaign spokesman Rob Nichols said Trump is “lying to Ohioans” by saying Kasich won’t make the PA primary ballot, insisting they “submitted far more signatures in Pennsylvania than we needed to submit and that was certified by the Secretary of State [Pedro Cortes].”

“Trump’s dishonest tweets and robocalls means his team either knows nothing about Pennsylvania election law, or he’s just scared to death we’re going to beat him,” Nichols said. “Donald Trump continues to play gutter politics, America deserves better, and he owes Ohioans an apology for lying to them.”

Nichols also said the Kasich campaign is consulting with their lawyers over Trump’s “lie.” Ohio holds its primary on Tuesday, March 15th. PA’s primary is on April 26th.

12 Responses

  1. if it walks like a duck, looks like a duck and quacks like a duck-it’s a duck!
    Kasich walks like a party hack, looks like a party hack, and quacks like a party hack-which he’s been for many years. Lehman Brothers director? Voted for higher taxes? Part of the lost Reagan era—-send this bum back to Ohio

  2. Fork – when you say “our” are you referring to pathetic FOXtards? Because Hillary will be the next POTUS.

  3. Actually, I think it is that the 17 state level delegates are bound by the vote. 54 elected directly.

  4. Frank Underwood– completely true. It doesn’t matter who is on the ballot or who wins. The delegates can vote for who they want.

    That being said, after Rubio withdraws from the race after he loses Florida, he should instruct his ‘Students for Rubio’ lackey to withdraw this challenge forthwith and allow Kasich to remain on the ballot.

  5. The Establishment Is jumping on The Kasich VW Bug just a touch 2 late . Kasich will never make the PA Ballot . Kasich is Done and TRUMP is our new President

  6. But given Pennsylvania’s Loophole Primary, does it even matter if Kasich is “on” the ballot? Votes for a particular candidate are Beauty Pageant, after all.

  7. NONE of the republican candidates should get within a mile of the White House.
    A b ch of cruel, bigoted idiots

  8. Never mind. http://www.post-gazette.com/news/politics-state/2016/03/09/For-John-Kasich-a-battle-over-signatures-to-appear-on-Pa-primary-ballot/stories/201603090216

    | Attorneys for Mr. Kasich and the objector have stipulated
    | that the campaign filed no more than 2,184 signatures with
    | the state, and that 192 of those signatures were not valid.
    | Republican and Democratic candidates for president must
    | submit 2,000 signatures to appear on the ballot.

    | But the objection to Mr. Kasich’s nominating petition was
    | filed at 5:13 p.m. on the last day to challenge nominating
    | petitions, and his attorney argues that makes it 13 minutes
    | too late to be considered. The objector’s attorney disagrees,
    | saying there is no requirement that the filing be received by
    | 5 p.m.

  9. Cattywampus: It’s been stipulated he doesn’t have enough signatures? When did that happen.

  10. Kaisich and Lehman Brothers? Kasich and Boehner and the other incompetents? Kasich and Romney – the great 3%? Kasich is a part of establishment of a corrupt , gutless and incompetent party that serves no purpose. Let’s send this bum back to Ohio. Better Hiliary or Bernie- even Cruz or Trump than Kasich and the filth of the old boy
    Republican establishment. This emperor has no clothes

  11. Trump is a scumbag, using scumbag Cruz tactics. But who could be surprised after the Trump University scam.

  12. Wow. Trump is jumping the gun–the case isn’t decided yet. Kasich certainly isn’t telling the whole truth there. “Far more signatures than are necessary?” It’s already been stipulated to in the case that he doesn’t have enough signatures. The only issue is whether the challenge was filed too late.

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