Law & Order: Pennsylvania.
At least that is how John Morganelli is thinking in his latest ad.
The thirty-second spot emphasizes his 25 years of experience, while attacking both of his rivals for their lack of courtroom experience.
The Northampton DA also touts his 25-0 record in murder trials, as well as his promise to get guns away from criminals and the mentally ill.
The commercial also asserts that “Morganelli led the way to stop racial profiling and sexual assaults.”
Morganelli will face off against Montgomery County Commissioner Josh Shapiro and Allegheny County DA Stephen Zappala in the Democratic Primary for Attorney General on April 26th.
19 Responses
The best song about the troll, AKA SpongeBob:
Are you ready kids? “Aye Aye Captain”
I can’t hear you! “AYE AYE CAPTAIN”
Who lives on his knees and drinks lots of TEA?
“Unsanctioned RETARD”
Stupid and yellow and troll-like is he!
“Unsanctioned RETARD”
If Repervlican nonsense be something you wish
“Unsanctioned RETARD”
Then drop to your knees and suck like a fish!
“Unsanctioned RETARD”
“Unsanctioned RETARD”
“Unsanctioned RETARD”
“Unsanctioned RETARD”
Ironic that I’m being accused of using multiple screen names. I hurt this groupie badly in the past and the wound still hurts, you see.
A RETARD ALERT has been issued. This one is unsanctioned. But – don’t worry. He is just a totally harmless, weak FOXtard.
My groupie is OBSESSED with me.
Zappala likes the Blacks!! He really does! Some of his best friends are the Blacks.
Just ignore the Black POTUS who just endorsed Shapiro!! Ignore that … Just ignore it …
I’m just a regular undecided voter wandering in here off the street, but it’s obvious that Morganelli and Zappala working together. How this benefits Morganelli is unclear at this time, but it’s so unfair to the most ethical AG candidate ever, Josh Shapiro. I have now made up my mind to vote for Josh!
Has Fina resigned yet?
Oh look. Now the RETARD troll is weighing in on D primaries!! A smart troll would have used one of his 1,000,000 other screen names … rather than Unsanctioned
The correct quote from the ad is, “Morganelli led the way to end racial profiling and stop sexual assaults.”
Give that man a cape.
Is this the part where we pretend that the Inquirer’s reporter is Shapiro’s “pal”??
Come on, Shill-Boy. You can do better.
Shapiro and his pals are pulling out all the stops…this is tinfoil hat conspiracy stuff here…black helicopters…UFO cover-ups…guessing the Shapiro internal polling is pretty bad at this point…
I’m writing in Kane.
If President Obama considers Shapiro a “real” candidate, then who am I to argue with him?
Look – what Zappala and Morganelli are trying to pull here is just more proof that “DA experience” without character is meaningless. Many corrupt ayy-holes have DA experience. Michael Eakin had DA experience. Castille had DA experience. Would you want Eakin or Castille to be AG over Josh Shapiro?
Can Zappala counter this with a commercial based on the Soprano’s opening credits?
Well, Shapiro isn’t a “real” candidate, if you consider his qualifications for the job. 🙂
Shame on Morganelli.
From the article:
“Morganelli has told some groups considering endorsements to go with Zappala if they don’t pick him.” (of course he has – b/c his candidacy is a fraud)
“Morganelli, his party’s nominee for attorney general in 2008, didn’t even seek the Democratic endorsement this year” (LOL … wonder why!)
“About a quarter of the signatures Morganelli received on nomination petitions to get his name on the April 26 ballot came from Philadelphia.” (Hmmmm)
“Two of the five petition circulators in Philadelphia for Morganelli have been paid by Local 98 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers to run petition drives for other candidates for office.” (and there you have it folks!! Stay away from Zappala and Morganelli)
“The union and its leader, John “Johnny Doc” Dougherty, are backing Zappala in the race … “I’m glad to see the people who have done stuff for us are doing work for others,” Dougherty said of the petition circulators. “I hope they did really well.”” (Bet this looked better to Morganeli and Zappala before Johnny Doc assaulted a non-union worker with three thugs by his side).
And I am not a candidate running for Office with the idea of syphoning votes from a “real” candidate.
Read the article. It’s not the way it’s supposed to work. Fetterman had the balls to say something. He may have earned my vote. Him or Sestak (lol).
Are you a shill for Shapiro? 🙂
Morganelli is just a shill for Zappala: