Obama Campaign Launches PA “Truth Team”

By Elyse Clonan, Contributing Writer

President Barack Obama’s campaign announced Thursday the formation of the Pennsylvania Truth Team, part of a nationwide grassroots initiative to ensure that “the truth about what the President has done is kept accurate” according to Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter.

Obama for America-Pennsylvania held a conference call Thursday afternoon to announce the initiative.  Mayor Nutter was joined on the call by Allegheny County executive Rich Fitzgerald.  Pa. Rep. Babette Josephs has also announced support for the Truth Team.

The Truth Team has been described as “a new national effort…to promote the President’s achievements, respond to attacks on his record and hold the eventual Republican nominee accountable.”

“We need the Truth Team because we anticipate continued distortions on the President’s effort,” Nutter said.  “We are very proud to support Obama and want to make sure this is a fair fight…Many of these folks run in a theoretical world where…they’ll say whatever they need to say.  We need to make sure its not exaggerated.”

Fitzgerald added, “We have already seen the attacks start to fly, it is our job as elected officials to ensure that our constituents are informed.”

Nutter and Fitzgerald both assured reporters that the Truth Team is committed to an unbiased flow of information in order to ensure Pennsylvania constituents are fully aware of the issues at hand when they head to the polling booths this November.

The Truth Team’s efforts can be found online at BarackObama.com/TruthTeam, KeepingHisWord.com, KeepingGOPHonest.com, and AttackWatch.com.

And just in time. Lehigh Valley resident Charles Kerchner is challenging Obama’s place on the ballot on the grounds that he is not a U.S. citizen. Different from the typical “birther” claim that Obama was born in Kenya, Kerchner argues that Obama’s father’s lack of residency in the U.S. precludes his son from citizenship.



He says he’ll file the claim in Commonwealth Court on Friday.

Obama made the Pa. ballot on Tuesday with an impressive 48,000 petition signatures.

Update: Here’s a list of the entire Pa. Truth Team:

Cindy Bass, Philadelphia City Councilwoman
John Blake, State Senator, District 22
Kim Bracey, Mayor of York
Bob Brady, United State Representative, District 1
Blondell Reynolds Brown, Philadelphia City Councilwoman
Jim Burn, Chairman of the Pennsylvania Democratic Party
Alan Butkovitz, Philadelphia City Controller
John Callahan, Mayor of Bethlehem
Jay Costa, State Senator, District 43
Mike Doyle, United States Representative, District 14
Rich Fitzgerald, Allegheny County Executive
Elizabeth Goreham, Mayor of State College
Richard Gray, Mayor of Lancaster
Bill Greenlee, Philadelphia City Councilman
Barry Grossman, Erie County Executive
Vincent Hughes, State Senator, District 7
Babette Josephs, State Representative, District 182
Michael Lamb, Pittsburgh City Controller
Daylin Leach, State Senator, District 17
Kevin Murphy, State Representative, District 113
Michael Nutter, Mayor of Philadelphia
Corey O’Brien, Lackawanna County Commissioner
Roxanne Pauline, Coordinator of the Northeast Pennsylvania Area Labor Federation
Ed Pawlowski, Mayor of Allentown
Allyson Schwartz, United States Representative, District 13
Josh Shapiro, Montgomery County Commissioner
Jack Shea, President of the Allegheny County Labor Council
Joe Sinnott, Mayor of Erie
Vaughn Spencer, Mayor of Reading
Linda Thompson, Mayor of Harrisburg
Jack Wagner, Auditor General
Michael Washo, Former Lackawanna County Commissioner
Anthony Williams, State Senator, District 8
Jewell Williams, Sheriff of Philadelphia
Seth Williams, Philadelphia District Attorney

11 Responses

  1. Obama 2012!!!!!!! Oh yeah, we don’t need those right wing nuts ideology. Where are the republican jobs you fools? Expose the TREASON of Congress, obstructing economy and caught on tape admitting the take down of Obama.

    Take Down the whole Republican tea hats dictatorship corrupt party of male control and unfit to lead.

    Obama 2012 Straight Democratic Party! Women for Obama will castrate the repubs.

  2. It is long past due that we fully expose this fraud of a President; this foreign-born (Kenya) muslim; and socialist must and will be fully exposed so that the American people will finally realize what has been unleashed across the land. All 50 states should engage in the Obama Ballot Challenge process-and most are-and it is good to see Pennsylvania join them. It is not surprising to see this President have his usual defenders here from both Philadelphia and the various unions, but that will not be enough this time. We shall show the country who Barack Hussein Obama really is.

  3. “Why was Obama’s father deported by the INS in 1964?”

    Who cares.

    “If the current president was living with his father how many know Obama would have been deported with his father”

    Another irrelevant, hypothetical question. The fact is President Obama was living with his mother and grandparents in Hawaii in 1964.

  4. Why was Obama’s father deported by the INS in 1964? If the current president was living with his father how many know Obama would have been deported with his father.

  5. “Therefore every person born within the United States, its territories or districts, whether the parents are citizens or aliens, is a natural born citizen in the sense of the Constitution, and entitled to all the rights and privileges appertaining to that capacity. “ William Rawle, 1826, “A View of the COnstitution of the United States”

  6. Jim Baker, Louis Barnes and Sam Sewell and the rest of the “birthers” should give it up. President Obama produced his long form birth certificate. This is a non issue and a distraction. Despite the Republican Leadership in both Houses of Congress stating publicly that their only goal was to make Obama a one term President, Obama has accomplished a lot during his first term. He passed Comprehensive Health Care Reform, created the Consumer Financial Services Protection Agency, ordered the successful assassination of Osama Bin Laden and brought our troops home from Iraq. He signed the Wall Street Bailout Bill that out going President Bush had submitted to Congress before he left office. The Wall Street collapse was created during the Bush Administration who inherited a budget surplus which he squandered on two unnecessary wars and giving tax breaks to the rich. You can’t fund a government that is shrunk so small that you can drown it in Grover Norquest’s bathtub, If all you believe government should spend our tax money on is the military and the criminal justice system, a government shrunk so small by cutting taxes couldn’t pay for it. President Obama said it best, “Americans don’t care whether or not the government is too big or too small. They want a government that works for them.” What is wrong with government is that companies like GE get away with no paying any Federal Income taxes, yet get rebates and billions of taxpayer dollars supplying the Federal government with goods and services, And individuals like Presidential Candidate Willard Mit Romney pay a 14.9 tax rate because of loopholes and Cayman Island tax shelters. We need the “Buffet Rule”. Everyone should pay your fair share to help all of us not just the richest 1%.
    If you want good government, help with disaster relief like the Gulf Oil Spill or Hurricane Katrina, national parks, national defense, safe air, water, food, drugs, workplaces, roads, bridges, tunnels, harbors, airports, air traffic controllers, border patrol, passports, and other government services, protections and infrastructure, you have to pay for it. You can’t have something for nothing. “The invisible hand of the (unregulated) free market”, has never done that for the American public, never has, and never will.

  7. Truth Team or Cheerleaders?

    If Truth Team, I hope they will tell us the truth about Obama background. Release the real birth certificate. Release information on name changes. Release passport and travel information. Release college records and who paid for his tuition. Release the social security number background. Release his Senate records. Release the truth about the fact that Obama is not a “natural born Citizen” and therefore not eligible for the Office of President of the US. SEE: http://obamaballotchallenge.com/ AND http://www.art2superpac.com/issues.html. Regarding his record while usurping the Office of President for the past 3 years, there is nothing to defend. The truth is…he has accomplished nothing so what can be misrepresented? He continues to trample on the Constitution by distributing the wealth by mandate, by committing troop with Congress approval and by not stepping down when he is fully aware that he is not eligible.

  8. President Obama can’t stand criticism. He is the most thin skinned president ever.
    It is interesting what the foreign press says about what is going on in America. Check out The Daily Mail or The Telegraph

  9. “Perception management” can be usefully shortened to a one-syllable word: “con.” The confidence-man’s most basic tool is to create the surface sheen of success with minimal investment of time and capital. Thus the con-man buys a couple of designer suits, rents a cubbyhole office with a prestigious address, leases a 500-series Mercedes vehicle, counterfeits some diplomas or other signifiers of Elite status and achievement, and then goes to work conning his credulous marks.

  10. Do you really think AKA Obama would have won the election if all the things he is hiding were made known?

    Do you really think AKA Obama will be able to finish his first term if all the things he is hiding are made known?

    Do you think Obama spent a fortune keeping his history secret because there wasn’t something to hide?

    If Obama said, “I have nothing to hide, but I am hiding it”; would you believe him?

    If you are not suspicious of a man who hides his history I have a bridge in the desert I want to sell you.

    If you are unwilling to call for an investigation of a man who attempts to sell you a bridge in the desert I have some beach front property in Florida at the intersection of I-75 and Florida # 29 that I want you to buy.

    If you place a down payment on a contract for the bridge in the desert and the beach front property in the swamp I would conclude that you voted for Obama.

    Obama will be exposed –Don’t get caught on the wrong side of this issue

    SEE: http://obamaballotchallenge.com/ AND http://www.art2superpac.com/issues.html

  11. The Ministry of Truth (or Minitrue, in Newspeak) is one of the four ministries that govern Oceania in George Orwell’s novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. As with the other Ministries in the novel, the Ministry of Truth is a misnomer and in reality serves an opposing purpose to that which its name would imply, being responsible for the falsification of historical events; and yet is aptly named in a deeper sense, in that it creates/manufactures “truth” in the newspeak sense of the word.

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