PA-BGT: Wolf Unites GOP in Budget Battle

pa-state-capitol-b175d9a07740ecf3Nothing unites a group more than a common enemy…at least for now.

After years of infighting prevented Republicans from passing pension reform and liquor privatization during the Corbett Administration, the legislature was able to push both through ahead of the budget deadline.

According to Marc Levy of the Associated Press, the expectation of Gov. Wolf’s veto is what allowed these measures to pass in the first place. With no real threat of the legislation becoming law, those with doubts felt it was alright to back the bills.

“I voted for it [liquor privatization] with a promise that when and if he does veto it, and we have a chance to renegotiate the bill, I have a chance to make sure my concerns are addressed,” State Sen. Don White said.

It remains to be seen, though, whether the GOP will stay united in the budget fight or start to splinter as doubt creeps in.

Meanwhile, the budget standoff continues with no end in sight.

3 Responses

  1. The only thing they are “united” about is being low-paid whores for Big Oil & Gas. DC lobbyists are laughing at how cheaply Harrisburg R’s are purchased, in comparison to the billions saved in severance taxes. Turzai & Co.: corrupt, AND stupid.

  2. “the expectation of Gov. Wolf’s veto is what allowed these measures to pass in the first place. With no real threat of the legislation becoming law, those with doubts felt it was alright to back the bills.”

    Wolf should threaten to sign their bullsh*t budget.

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