The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has provided two victories to the Democratic Party on Thursday.
The AP reports that a ruling granted the Democratic Party’s request to order an extension of mail-in ballots to be counted for three days after Election Day. A separate ruling also kicked off the Green Party’s presidential candidate, Howie Hawkins, for not abiding by the proper procedure to get on the ballot.
13 Responses
Any word on if ballots mailed early will be able to be counted before election day? Would make counting process much more efficient.
This is bull crap. Voting by mail is fraudulent!
No, you are the turd. Impersonating someone else and commenting opposite of what you know they would say is so dishonest that you must think you are Trump. Now…again…the real question is how PoliticsPA permits you to do this impersonation. Is it deliberate or negligent?
Whiner coward fake alias bitch, stop stealing my fake name.
Just so obvious. GOP Commonwealth Court says Yes to Green. Dem Supreme Court No. Waiting for Trump to tweet about how Chairman Gleason lost the Presidency when he forgot to contest the Supreme Court when the three seats were up in 15. What a mistake that has had true resonance.
Is the Liberterians on the ballot?
Poor judgement by the court, the deadline for mail-in ballots should be the same as absentee ballots, the Friday before election. A voter could vote on Tuesday and mail in a ballot the same day. Do you really think county election boards would catch this double voting?
Deadline is not extended for postmark, but for counting the ballots if there is postal delivery delays
A voter who is on the list to receive a mail-in ballot cannot vote in the normal way. They can only vote a provisional ballot. Provisional ballots will be set aside and certainly counted only if a mail in ballot from that voter is not received. Your question assumes that the voter is somehow trying to vote twice. In my experience the vast majority of voters, indeed virtually all voters, are not trying to vote twice. They want their vote to be counted. So someone would not be mailing in a ballot on Tuesday and also going to the polls. It just doesn’t make sense. But even if someone were to do this, which is quite hypothetical, only one vote would be counted.
This would absolutely be detected. Some voters used provisional in the primary as a “backup” in case their mail-in vote was not received. Provisional ballots are always set aside and counted last.
You don’t do this unless you intend to cheat
How will counting ballots be cheating?
soros , an obviously fake nom de plume , obviously fails to understand the unique barcode scan in place in P to prevent the illegal double voting (that trump ordered his suppporters to commmit.) try reading your local county election dept manual ?
The ballots have to be postmarked by election day. This is NO DIFFERENT than paying/filing your income taxes on April 15th.
The postmark is legal, official, and authoritative evidence as to when the documents were completed for many types of transactions.
A ballot postmarked before the polls close is completely valid.