Former state Rep, U.S. Senate hopeful and 2010 Gubernatorial candidate Sam Rohrer has found a new job: President of The Pennsylvania Pastors’ Network, a project of Let Freedom Ring, Inc., a 501(c)(4).
In the role, he’ll inform PA clergy about public policy issues. The organization is nominally non-partisan.
“I am thrilled to accept the position of President of the Pennsylvania’s Pastors’ Network and to be able to focus my experience and energies in this vital area,” he said. “My love for our nation and this Commonwealth and my commitment to God, our Constitution, and strong families as the foundation for renewal of freedom has been my driving passion. I look forward to assisting pastors and church members in communicating truth and to equipping them to fulfill their civic and biblical responsibilities.”
Rohrer has spent decades as a loud voice for constitutional conservatism and has a large following statewide. He finished second in April’s U.S. Senate primary after spending several months as PA Director of Americans for Prosperity. He lost the 2010 gubernatorial primary to Tom Corbett and, prior to that campaign, he represented parts of Berks County in the PA House for 18 years.
Here’s Rohrer’s letter to supporters:
Dear Friends,
Because of your interest in my past political pursuits, I thought that you would be interested in an update about what I am now doing. I am pleased to announce that my new focus unites my continuing passion for freedom with what I believe to be the greatest need of our present time.
Immediately following the April 24th Primary election, Ruth Ann and I began to prayerfully consider our next step. We felt that I must remain involved in public policies that not only support the Constitution, but also those that educate and encourage the ‘faith community’ in this Commonwealth. As we have traveled across Pennsylvania, I have sensed the need for pastors to recognize their critical role in society by upholding their own civic responsibilities and then to instruct their people to do the same. In a Commonwealth with such a rich, religious heritage as ours it seems logical that this spiritual history should compel us to fulfill our religious and civic duties–which is to stand for Truth. It is the people of faith who are the ‘salt and light’ and who must preserve our liberties.
Earlier this month, I was glad to accept the position of President of The Pennsylvania Pastors’ Network ( ), a project of Let Freedom Ring ( An email release sent to the subscribers on the PPN mailing list is attached below. If you are interested in becoming a part of the network or receiving our regular issue updates please visit the website to sign up or contact me at the email address below.
In the Defense of Freedom,
Sam Rohrer
President, Pennsylvania Pastors Network
In the Footsteps of the Founders
Here’s the press release from the PA Pastor’s Association:
Former Pa. Representative Sam Rohrer named President of Pennsylvania Pastors Network
PHILADELPHIA – In an effort to further its already positive effects on the community in and around Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania Pastors Network today announced the appointment of former Pennsylvania House of Representatives member Sam Rohrer as its President.
In his new role, Rohrer will forge new partnerships and help network and equip pastors to fulfill their critically vital role as communicators of the truth on the broad range of issues of the day so important to their congregations and the community as a whole. Rohrer will assist the pastors in the network to understand how they can more critically and actively engage their communities on important issues without politicizing the pulpit.
While at PPN, Rohrer hopes to advance the education of committed pastors and concerned church members on issues of freedom, family, and faith that underpin a free society.
“I am thrilled to accept the position of President of the Pennsylvania’s Pastors’ Network and to be able to focus my experience and energies in this vital area. My love for our nation and this Commonwealth and my commitment to God, our Constitution, and strong families as the foundation for renewal of freedom has been my driving passion. I look forward to assisting pastors and church members in communicating truth and to equipping them to fulfill their civic and biblical responsibilities.”
A comment from Pennsylvania Pastors’ Network Chairman, Colin Hanna:
“Those of us in leadership at the Pennsylvania Pastors Network and also the pastors in our network remain ever mindful of the public wariness about being spoken to or asked to do something political by a pastor or other member of the church,” said Colin Hanna, President of Let Freedom Ring, which funds the Pennsylvania Pastors Network. “Pastors in our network want to engage with the culture more effectively, and with his background and connections, Sam Rohrer is the ideal person for that role. We’re pleased to have him on board and look forward to the contribution he will make to the PPN.”
One Response
I am thrilled to become a part of the PA Pastors Network.
-Mike Bartlett