As Pennsylvania lawmakers fight to combat the slow decline of the fracking and refinery industry since 2012, Tom McGarrigle takes this opportunity to highlight his belief in rebuilding that industry.
His latest ad features local refinery workers and recalls the controversial 2012 ConocoPhillips layoffs.
Andrea Devenney, wife of a local refinery worker, was afraid when the refinery where her husband worked closed and wondered if there would be other jobs. She credits McGarrigle as the driving force behind the refineries’ eventual reopening.
“If I saw Tom McGarrigle today, I would thank him for his believing in the refineries and the families of the refineries and the job opportunities it creates for our community” Devenney said.
In the thirty-second spot, McGarrigle is seen shaking hands with refinery families while a 2012 Daily Times front page boasts that “spirits are high” as refinery workers return to work.
McGarrigle is releasing this ad during a time when many refineries are turning to the Marcellus shale to remain open, despite new claims that the process of harvesting this shale contaminates drinking water.
Nevertheless, since 2012 McGarrigle has exhibited leadership in maintaining his district’s refineries and his efforts have earned him several endorsements in his State Senate race.
McGarrigle is currently running against Democratic nominee, John Kane.
Update: Aren Platt, spokesman for the Kane campaign issued the following response:
Tom McGarrigle knows that there are dozens of political and community leaders who played a bigger hand in keeping the refineries open than he did. But, like a typical politician, he’s taking credit for something he didn’t do to try to win an election. If he wants to go toe to toe with John Kane about who has created more working and middle class jobs, bring it on — as a Business Manager, John Kane has literally created thousands of jobs across the region.
12 Responses
Tom you saved my husbands job and for that we owe you our vote to say the least! Lets go TOM FOR SENATE!
McGarrigle is making major changes and improving the area greatly, can wait till he is voted into office!!!!
Plunge Plunge. Yeah I guess the pipes are clogged.
Hey John Kane, I mean Delco Observer………you know exactly who she is and where she lives because of what you did.
McGarrigle needs to vet the people in his ads a little better. The person highlighted in the video, Andrea Devenney, does not live in the 26th, and votes only about 15% of the time…way to go Team McGarrigle!
Explain to me how John Kane, who I had literally never heard of even though I’ve lived in Delaware County for many years now until this election cycle, has done more for the job creation that Tom? Unions suck, plain and simple.
It’s simple. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck… it must be a duck. If he looks like a thug and tries to intimidate someone’s family for being in a commercial… it must be Philly union boss John Kane
Let me help you out here Econ 101. Unions have an important role in protecting workers but they don’t create jobs. Businesses create jobs. Kane and the RAT have never created a single job. Not one.
Name Calling??? how about Business Manager no matter what. John Kane only cares about two things. Himself and the other union boss’s who rake up over 200k a year in Salary. John Kane already said he wouldn’t give up his union job if he won the senate race. John Kane will only represent the needs and wants of the unions in Harrisburg. And Keep the strong arming in Philly too not in Delco so don’t ask one of your biggest supportors the Ironworkers for any strong arming techniques. We don’t like that in Delco.
Name calling?how about mcG is the creation of a corrupt Delco Republican machine and would be their voice in Harrisburg, not that of his constituents.
At least one of the candidates can use leadership to save and create jobs instead of just blowing up a rat to solve their problems. Agreed Tom will win 6 to 7 points over Kane. Let’s hope John Kane doesn’t use his expertise as a ghost employee to create ghost votes on Election Day.
Kane is a union thug and a Dem hack with no recognition or name ID in Delco. McGarrigle wins this race by 6 or 7 even with Corbett dragging down the ticket.