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Trump Leads Bucks GOP Straw Poll

trumpLadies and gentlemen, the 2016 election has made its way to the Keystone State.

Well…sort of.

We were able to get a look at how the local GOP thinks in one of the state’s most crucial counties.

According to Tom Sofield of Levittown Now, Donald Trump won the straw poll at the Bucks County Republican Party’s annual Middletown Grange Fair.

Trump finished first with 778, while neurosurgeon Ben Carson and businesswoman Carly Fiorina came in second and third with 542 and 397 votes respectively.

More than 3,100 attendees voted in the straw poll from August 12th to 16th.

The full results are presented below along with a comparison to the latest Fox News poll.


5 Responses

  1. When did the Bucks County Republican Party claim ownership of the Middletown Grange Fair????

  • Will RFK Jr. Supporters Back Trump?

    • No. Won't Make a Difference (66%)
    • Yes. Move Helps Republicans (34%)

    Total Voters: 50

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